Part 11

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“Reckon we’ll have a troll wandering around the castle this year?” Fred asked me as we followed the delicious smell that was emanating from the great hall.

“I actually don’t care” I sighed “not as long as it waits until after pudding.”

He chuckled at my reasoning before slinging an arm, lazily, over my shoulders. “Kinda jealous of you now” Harry told me bitterly.

“Awh, you’re so sweet, Harry” Fred joked “seriously, man, if you want me to lean on you too, all you have to do is say.”

I burst out laughing and shook my head at Fred before turning back to Harry. “Why?”

“Because the feast smells so good.”

“You promised Nick that you’d go to his party” Hermione butted in “it’s your own fault.”

Harry groaned again, his stomach following suit. “I’ll eat some cake for you, Potter” I grinned at him. “Seriously, I’ll take little bites and just think about you the entire time I’m eating it.”

“Don’t be daft” he told me, smiling a little “we all know that you all but inhale your food.”

“But it’s the gesture that makes it count” I replied, raising my eyebrows “don’t make me beat you into saying thank you.”

“I don’t think that gesture is worth a thank you” he told me, stubbornly crossing his arms but grinning a little to show me that he was joking. “Maybe if you told me that you’d bring me some food back with you then- hey!” I’d pounced on him and, despite the fact that I’m half his weight and shorter than him, his knees collapsed and he landed on the floor with me sitting on his butt.

“Potter” I grinned “you never told me that your butt was this comfy!”

“Get off me!”


The students that had been around us, as we walked, had now formed a kind of circle as they watched me tease Harry. “Lilly!” He wheezed.

“Just say the words” I told him “then I shall stop jumping on you.”


I grinned as I began jumping up and down on him, using his butt as some kind of trampoline…but not doing it properly so that I didn’t hurt him. “Ok, ok. Thank you!”

“For what?”

“Thinking of me as you eat cake” he growled

“There” I climbed off him before helping up “wasn’t that hard now, was it?”

Harry’s face had gone red but, as he looked at me, his frown turned back into a smile as he shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You’re a pain, Snape” he told me “I often wonder why we’re friends.”

Lilliana Snape Book Two (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now