The Forest

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 There was once a family of five that lived on a hill alone. They grew crops and harvested them when needed. The father, John, did a lot of the farming along with his son, Jack. The mother, Jan, would sew and cook with her daughter, Juliana. They made all of the clothing, blankets, sheets, and other things together. Then there was Jannet, the cutest baby in the world according to Juliana. Jack thought Juliana and Jannet were annoying. Jack was the oldest of the three. Jack was twelve, Juliana was ten, and Jannet was four.

Jannet and Juliana went to the apple tree down the hill together a lot. Jack thought the two of them were crazy. He liked to play with their dog, Spot. Spot was like a best friend to Jack. Since the family lived on a hill in the middle of nowhere, Jack had no friends. Juliana had her tree, as well as Jannet, Jan had her favorite hobby, sewing, and John loved to farm. Jack didn't like farming but had to help out his dad. He didn't like to sew either. So, there was really only one other thing he could like. Jack liked Spot.

One afternoon when Jack was outside, he saw something. He had seen a strange animal. Jack had no idea what a dog was. It seems crazy, doesn't it? Jack decided to get closer to the anonymous animal, but he had no reason to. The animal started running towards him. Jack was only 5 at the time and had no idea what to do. He sure was scared though. Jack decided to run away, but the animal was too fast! It started to chase after him. It was getting closer and then finally the animal got him. Jack had been tackled by an anonymous animal.

Jack yelled for his mother's help. Jan quickly ran outside and saw what had happened. Jan picked Jack up off the ground and told the animal to go away. Jack looked at the animal and he knew it was sad. Jack jumped out of his mother's arms and ran over to the animal and held it. "Can we keep it, mother?" Jack asked his mom while still holding the animal. Jan thought about it. "Fine, we can keep it", Jan told Jack who was smiling after hearing his mother's answer.

After a bit of research, Jan had figured out that the animal was classified as a dog. Jack decided to name the dog Spot. Jack would play with Spot for hours a day. Jan would watch the two of them run around and roll down the hill. Juliana, who was only two, kept trying to play with Spot and Jack didn't like it so much. Jack wanted Spot all to himself. He didn't want anyone else to play with him. Once Jack turned eleven, he decided that Juliana could play with Spot. Juliana didn't care much since she could play with Jannet instead. Juliana has never played with Spot ever since that day.

Even now Jack still spends a lot of time with Spot. They still roll down the hill and explore the fields of grass and crops. There was one place they could never go. They've only heard old folktales about this from Jan and John, but they were not allowed to go anywhere near the forest. That forest is full of creatures no one has ever seen before. Giant lizards, snakes, and even horses with horns on the tops of their heads. Jack believed them of course. Now that he is a bit older, he thinks his parents are just joking around.

There have been times when Jack wanted to go explore the forest. He doesn't though because he knows that his parents would be quite angry and disappointed. Jack's thirteenth birthday was coming up in five days. On Jack's birthday, he normally wished that he could meet people. People that he could become friends with. Jan wished the same thing. She hoped that someday Jack, Juliana, and Jannet would find people to become friends with.

Two nights before Jack's birthday, he wished for something. "I wish that one day I can go into the forest and find friends that are different, just like me," Jack continued, "People that will accept me for who I am." 

After Jack made that wish everything changed. People started moving near their house. Juliana made new friends and so did Jan. Juliana's new best friend, Stacy, who came over to her house all the time. Jack still didn't have any friends. 

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