The Harrison Brothers

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Mr. Raymond leads the two boys to a back room and the maid follows them as well. Callan stands close to her and whispers. “You know, my brother is looking for a woman to marry, but he’s not the best guy. If you’re in need of anyone to marry then I’d be happy to marry a woman such as yourself.”
     The woman blushes slightly. “I’m sorry, sir, but I must decline.”
     “That’s quite unfortunate, really. You would have been the perfect wife for me.” Suddenly Callan feels someone hit his head. He looks up at Noah who looks angry. Callan rolls his eyes.
     “Well, here it is. So, which one of you will be going first?”
     “It’s just me, Mr. Raymond, sir. My younger brother here will not be having anything done. In fact, he has other things to do. Isn’t that right, Callan?”
     Callan remembers the plan that they’d come up with and nods. “Right. Miss, if you change your mind then don’t be afraid to contact me.”
     Callan walks out of the salon and outside. He walks down the sidewalk and suddenly spots Lana. He smiles and whistles as he walks towards her and her fiance. Then he purposely bumps into Lana. “Hey, watch it-.” 
     Lana and her fiance turn around. “Oh sorry. Good morning miss. How are you doing this fine afternoon?”
     Lana looks at her fiance and he looks at me. “Who are you?”
     “Another person who seems to not recognize me. I’m the younger brother of Prince Harrison.”
     “I’ve heard that joke before, kid. Now scram.”
     “Who ever said it was a joke? I really am the younger brother of Prince Harrison.”
     “If you really are then you should know his first name.”
     “Noah. Noah Harrison. Are you convinced now?”
     He gasps. “So you really are his younger brother. I would expect you to be much more…”
     “More what? More professional, royal-like, sophisticated?”
     “Well, yes.”
     Callan rolls his eyes. “Well, I’m not like my brother.”
     “If I may ask, what brings the two of you here?”
     “Business that I’m not allowed to speak of. My question to you is who is the lovely lady you have with you today?”
     “Sorry, but she’s off-limits. This is Lana Opel, soon to be Lana Verlice. She’s my fiance.”
     “Oh, well that’s too bad. I’m scouting for some women that my brother can marry. He needs to be engaged in seven months. Well, that’s what my father says.”
     “It’s true. He only has two years before he becomes king.”
     Callan rolls his eyes. “That’s all everyone ever talks about. Noah becoming king. He’ll be king in two years, they keep saying, but I just don’t care.”
     Suddenly Callan feels a hand on his shoulder. “Now brother, must you say such rude things about me when I’m not present?”
     “Hello, sir, sorry for my brother. He can be such a pain, I know.”
     “No, it’s alright.”
     “Since you’re part of the royal family I’m sure you can help me.”
     He nods, “Yes, of course.” “That’s good. I need you to find the person with the best portal magic in this kingdom. They’re an essential piece for what we’ve come here to do. You can use whatever methods you wish to use.”
     He nods. “I don’t think I introduced myself. I’m Prince Verlice and this is Lana Opel, my fiance.”
     “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Opel and Prince Verlice.” “Of course, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
     Prince Verlice Takes hold of Lana’s hand. “We will go find the best person with portal magic. Where would you like us to meet afterwards?”
     “We shall meet at the Verlice castle, so your home estate.”
     He nods and walks off with Lana.

AN- The plan is in the works!

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