Back To Work

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It's been a week and two days since the group has been staying at Alistair's home and now it's finally time for them to get back to work. "Thanks for letting us stay here, dad. I promise not to get myself killed so that I can come back here one day." 
     Alistair smiles, "You better keep that promise." Callan laughs and walks out the door. Alistair watches as the four leave and he closes the door.
     "So we know that they've gone to Crasa De Vasa and we haven't. How do we get there?" 
     "You really don't know anything, do you Callan? All we have to do is find someone who can use portal magic", Hannah tells him. 
     "Well do you guys know anyone or are we gonna go around asking people if they can use portal magic because that would be pretty weird?" 
     Noah nods, "He has a point. We might have to come up with a different plan, but if you know someone who can see what magic power someone has then that's a different story." 
    Lana gasps, "We do know someone with that ability, but he's the guy I'm going to marry. They're part of a royal family so they wouldn't want to hang around you two. The place where Hannah and I come from is kind of messed up. We've decided that we're going to break it." 
     Hannah nods, "We want everyone to be accepted no matter who they are. We want to accept humans into our world. Humans who don't have magic unlike you, Callan."
     "I actually have a question. Why am I a human with magic anyways. Why am I even a human if my parents weren't unless they were." 
     "Well, your mom is a human witch and your dad is a human wizard. They have magical abilities and so do you. These abilities aren't the way that movies and shows portray them to be so don't try to figure out anything on the internet", Noah answers. "You didn't think to tell me this any sooner?" "Sorry."
     "Hannah, can't we just pretend to be royals from a forgein land or something. I would say that Noah and I look like royalty. You could say that Noah is a prince and I'm second in line."
     Hannah looks at Lana for confirmation and Lana nods. "I guess that could work, but we'd need some different clothes for you." Hannah and Lana smile at each other and Callan and Noah frown knowing exactly what's about to go down.
     "Callan, you need to wear something that makes you seem rebellious and Noah you need to wear something that makes you seem sophisticated. It'll be like two brothers who are completely different and the older brother is steadily trying to teach the younger one to stay in his place."
     "Look, Lana, I know you're smart and all, but I'm not the best at being sophisticated. It's not like I know what all the different wines are and who all the royal families are."
     "I'm also not the best at being rebellious. I'm anything but rebellious." 
     "That's the point you idiots. This way you'll seem even more like outsiders. They might not like you too much, but if you're royalty then they'll befriend you anyway."
     "Lana, are you sure that this is a good idea? Father can see through tricks like this one. He's seen through many of our disguises before." 
     "That is true, but this one will be our best one yet. It'll be one that won't fail as long as Callan and Noah can play their part."
     Callan gulps nervously. "I'm not the best actor, but I'll try to not blow my cover." "Same here."
     "Good. Now let's go to the royal kingdom to buy some clothes for you two."
     Hannaha and Lana turn into their flying horse form and the two boys get on their backs. They began flying to the royal kingdom and within just two hours they arrived there. They landed on top of one of the most expensive clothing stores in the whole kingdom.
     "Ok. Lana and I will go inside to get the outfits. You two will stay up here."
     Noah and Callan got off of their backs and the two girls turned back into their normal form. They jumped off the building and Hannah used her magic to soften the fall. Then the two girls went inside in search of clothes.
     "Noah, my magic still confuses me a lot. I don't really get what it is." 
     "I'm not sure what it is either, but it makes you really fast and it actually causes your wounds to heal a lot faster than everyone else's. I also think it heightens your senses."
     "I wonder what my parent's magic is. Maybe my dad has some sort of super speed and my mom had the sense enhancement or something like that. I don't know."
     Hannah and Lana appeared on the rooftop and handed the clothes to Noah and Callan. "We'll turn around to let you guys change."
     Callan's outfit was fully white with a white button-up shirt and white pants. He also had white shoes to match. Noah had the typical black suit with a white undershirt and black shoes. After the two boys had changed Hannah and Lana turned around.
     "You guys got it all wrong! Callan, your shirt is meant to be tucked in and not fully buttoned! Noah, your tie is not on right and your facial expressions aren't the ones of a sophisticated person!"
     Lana continued to scold them on their mistakes as Hannah fixed them, starting with Callan's shirt and then Noah's tie. "Now that your outfits are correct we just need to teach you how to act correctly." 
     "Noah, when being sophisticated you need to stand up straight and be sure to keep a serious face. Make fun of people without money and talk about big ideas that could help the rich. When someone offers you wine you must take it and only take two sips of it every three minutes. You should never fully finish the wine. Once the glass is half-way empty then you should dismiss yourself."
     "That makes sense, but what about my facial expressions?" 
     Lana rolls her eyes. "You just need to keep a straight face or try to imitate the faces of the other royals. Also, here in the kingdom when you greet someone you have to shake their hand. Make sure you grip their hand tightly, but not too tightly."
     Noah nods and tries to look his best for his role. Lana walks up to him. 
     "Hello, sir. Would you like a glass of wine?" Noah takes Lana's hand and kisses it before looking up at her. "Yes, of course. Thank you."
     Lana snatches her hand away. "You only kiss a woman's hand if you know she is single. And never kiss a maid's hand because you aren't allowed to show them too much affection."
     Noah nods and Lana moves on to Callan. She can tell that Hannah was helping Callan with the facial expressions and the stance. His back wasn't fully slumped, but he wasn't standing tall. He looked like he was bored out of his mind and he had no twinkle in his eyes.
     "Hello, young man. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"
     "Yeah, get me some whiskey. I'm really in the mood for it. You see, my older brother over there is always bossing me around and he doesn't allow me to drink. I'm sure that you could do me the favor." Callan takes out a fifty dollar bill and hands it to Lana before walking away.
     Lana smiles and claps. "That was perfect! Now you need to do one with Hannah. The rebellious boys love to flirt with all women between whatever their age is to five years older."
     Callan comes back. "I don't think I can do that. I've never flirted before." 
     "That's why you're going to learn today. Also, you're not meant to be good at it. The rebellious type always fails."
     "You start, Hannah." Hannah nods.
     "Hello, sir. Are you Mr. Harris?"
     Callan takes her hand and kisses it. "Yes, that's me. Can I help you with something?"
     "Yes, please. I'm having trouble reaching something on the top shelf and I noticed that you seemed tall enough to do it. I was just wondering if you'd be able to help me with that."
     "What's in it for me?" "Pardon?"
     Callan steps closer to Hannah. "If I'm going to do something for you then I expect something in return. So what's in it for me?"
     Hannah blinks twice before slapping Callan. "You little runt! How dare you think of such despicable thoughts. Do you not feel ashamed?"
     Callan rubs his cheek and shrugs. "At least I tried."
     Lana claps, "Callan, you are great at this! Now you and Noah need to interact with each other. I'll just leave this to you two."
     Callan walks over to Noah. "You wouldn't believe how weird the people in this kingdom are. I tried to bargain with one of the maids and she slapped me."
     "Callan, why must you be such a disgrace to our family name? You should be holding your head up high and standing up straight. Not fooling around and trying to bribe women into doing such unspeakable deeds."
     "Why must you always be so sophisticated, brother? You always play by the rules and you never try anything new. All you do is follow our father's orders as if you're some sort of puppet and he's the puppeteer."
     Noah turns towards Callan and slaps him. "You need to learn to behave. You've been slapped twice today and four times yesterday. You should have learned your lesson by now. I am disappointed to even call you my brother."
     "Well, how was that?"
     "It was great." The two girls say in sinct. "I think you guys are ready now. I just have to lure my fiance out of his castle and then Callan you will approach us however you'd like and then Noah will stop you because of your childish antics."
     Noah and Callan nod. "Okay guys. Let's jump off." Everyone holds hands before jumping off the building. Hannah softens the fall with her magic. "Remember what we taught you." 
     Lana and Hannah start running in the direction of Lana's fiance's castle. "Noah, your hair doesn't make you look very sophisticated."
     "I guess you have a point. We could go to a salon and we could even practice more."
     "Great idea. Let's go." The two boys start walking around in search of a salon. After ten minutes they finally find one and walk inside. A woman in a white gown smiles and bows.
     "Hello, gentleman. Welcome to the salon. Do you have a scheduled appointment with Mr. Raymond?" Noah shakes his head. "Unfortunately I don't. Is there any way that I can take someone else's. I am part of the Harison family household after all."
     The woman gasped. "I am so sorry sir. I will alert Mr. Raymond right away."
     "Thank you."
     Noah and Callan go over to the seating area and sit down. Noah sits the way he sees the other men sitting and Callan sits with his feet propped up on the table.
     "Must you always be so disrespectful? Remove your feet from the table."
     Callan rolls his eyes and puts his feet on the floor. A man who's a little taller than Noah walks into the room and looks at the two boys. "Are you two of the Harrison family household?" Noah and Callan stand up and nod.
     Noah walks over to Mr. Raymond. Raymond puts out his hand and Noah shakes it. "I'm Mr. Raymond. The owner of this salon."
     "I'm Noah Harrison. This is my younger brother, Callan."
     The two stop shaking hands and Raymond holds his hand out for Callan to shake. Callan looks at the man's hands and then up at his face. Noah turns his head and gives Callan a look that he instantly reads.
     Callan shakes the man's hand. "I'm Callan Harrison. The younger brother as Noah said. It is so nice to meet you."
     Callan lets go of Mr. Raymond's hand shortly after. Raymond notices Callan's behavior, but doesn't speak on it. "Please, follow me. The salon is this way."

AN- Well, let's se how this goes...

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