The First Decision is Always the Hardest...

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There are some things you need to know before we begin our story. Sam and Freddie hate each other, but tolerate each other.

Decision 1:

Carly's POV:

"Are you guys excited about the options for our first decision we have to make?" I ask.

Sam looks down in worry and Freddie rubs his hands through his hair.

"I'm kind of nervous if I'm being honest." Freddie replies.

Freddie has never faced a decision without having the options way ahead of time.

"Ughhh" Sam says and shrugs.

"What's wrong, Sam?" I ask trying to get to the root of the problem.

"Just not a fan of making decisions" she says solemnly.

"You sure your ok?" Freddie asks her.

"Promise. I'm fine." Sam replies to him giving him a punch in the side of the arm.

If you haven't noticed, Sam really hates decisions. In fact, Freddie and I make them for her most of the time. We decide what she does on ICarly and we are even trying to help her figure out what she wants to do in life.

I brush it off and we go upstairs to the studio to film ICarly. The show goes fine, but Freddie and I make sure to keep and eye on Sam. She really seemed upset about the decisions.

I go to my room afterward to take my costume off. We did the idiot farm girl who thinks the cowboys mustache is a squirrel bit and the shorts I have to wear scratch my back and rub my skin raw and I have little to no arm movement in the shirt. I throw on some sweats and I wipe the make up off my face. I grab my phone off the counter to send a text to Sam and Freddie that I will be down soon. I run back to my mirror to put some chapstick on when I see the screen has changed and I realize I am face to face with the first decision I have to make.

The mirror reads "it's time to make a decision, what will it be? Click next and we will see..."

I click next and my options appear on the screen:

1. Change your eye color, but be warned it lasts a years time.
2. Water that doesn't taste like water at all in time you'll see.
3. $100 guilt free.

A time counts down from 30 seconds...

I like my eye color, in fact, I think it's my best feature. I have plenty of water and what if it tastes of fish or something utterly disgusting. I think the $100 is my best bet and I can spend it however I please.

I choose the $100.

It appears on my vanity and I quickly shove it in my wallet.

I run downstairs yelling "Sam! Freddie! I made my first decision."

"What were your options?" Freddie asks wanting to make his decision prematurely.

"I can't tell you that's part of the rules remember." I say grinning at him.

He sighs in defeat and sits down on the couch.

"Don't you want to know how it went?" I ask Sam.

"No. I'm not in the mood." She responds.

She hangs her down and sits on the couch besides Freddie.

"Are you ok?" He asks her while putting his hand on hers trying to comfort her.

She swatts his hand away and declares "I'm fine nub! No need to worry about me."

"I wasn't." He says trying to hide the fact that he actually was and still is.

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