Beautiful Mess...

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Days have gone by and they haven't talked about that night Sam spent innocently in Freddie's bed. Honestly, neither one of them thought it needed to be talked about. Freddie still comforted Sam as much as she needed it and she still appreciated having Freddie as a good friend.

Freddie's POV:

I wake up from my alarm going off. I want to hit snooze and go back to sleep but I know that I can't. I have to take Sam and Carly to school. It's 8 am and I went to bed at 7. I only got one hour of sleep. I spent the entire night on the phone with Sam comforting her and keeping her calm during an anxiety attack. My hair is a mess and I look in the mirror and see big bags under my eyes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I would take the bags and messy hair any day if it meant Sam was safe and ok.

I put on jeans and a t-shirt. I try to put on a pair of old tennis shoes, but find myself so tired that the left shoe ends up on my right foot and the right shoe ends up on my left foot. I fix my shoes and I walk over to Carly's making sure to sneak out before my mom can catch me looking like this. She would probably think I was ill and make me stay home.

I enter Carly's apartment and find Sam fully dressed asleep on the couch and Carly sitting at the computer trying not to wake her.

"Morning Carl's!" I say a bit too loudly. Sam rustles in her sleep but then settles back down.

"That was close Freddie!" Carly softly says still looking at the computer, "she had a rough night so I was going to let her sleep until we leave."

Don't I know, I think to myself. "Ok. Sorry." I say as quietly as I possibly can.

I leave Carly to her computer work and head into the kitchen and brew a cup of coffee. The only noise heard in the entire apartment is the sound of the brewing coffee and honestly it could lull me back to sleep. The coffee finishes and I grab my mug from the machine. I raise the mug up to my lips and take a sip. Carly finally finishes whatever she is fidgeting with on the computer and looks at me.

"You look awful Freddie" she says, "are you ok?"

I take another sip and reply, "yeah just didn't get much sleep."

"You look like you haven't slept for days. Maybe you should just stay home from school today" she replies.

I take another sip and reply "really I'm good Carls" and from behind my coffee cup I just smile.

I take a final sip of my coffee and set the mug down on the counter carefully to not make a sound. I walk over to Carly "ready to go?" I ask.

"Yeah, let me just wake Sam" she says.

I toss her the keys, "you head to the car and I'll wake Sam" I say.

She starts walking out the door but then stops and turns around "Freddie don't do anything to harsh" she says exiting the apartment.

"I won't. I promise!" I reply. I walk over to the sleeping blond girl and brush her hair out of her face with my hand. I place a kiss on her head and then I say softly in her ear "Sam..." She rustles in her sleep and groans as if to tell me to go away, but I stay and whisper again "Sam... it's time to get up". She gets up unwillingly and says "time for school already Fredalupe?"

I reply "yes, do you think you are ok enough to go?"

She nods barley able to hold her head up and I know she's lying and trying to be strong. "How about this..." I say "you go to my place and sleep until around 10 and I will come pick up you up after first period. You can go cuddle up in my bed and set the alarm. My moms not home because she's working the morning shift so you should be good to go."

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