One more day...

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Decision 3 continued:

Freddie's POV:

I get to Sam's house and her mom answers the door.

"I need to see Sam." I say, "we are working on a project together and I needed to get some notes from her." I lie.

After all, Sam was panicked because of her mom. I couldn't let her mom know that's why I was here.

"Who is Sam? I don't know Sam" Her mom asks very seriously.

"Sam! Your daughter!" I protest.

"I don't have a daughter named Sam. I have one daughter and her name is Melanie" her mom says.

"Sam! Samantha Puckett! Cohost of ICarly, my best friend! Your daughter who loves ribs, occasionally goes to juvie, can pick any lock in her way... Sam!" I yell in protest, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry sir. I don't know what you're taking about." She says and walks in her house and closes the door.

I run to my car now crying hysterically. I text Carly.

To Carly:

I'm trying to see Sam, but her mom says she doesn't know who she is. It's like she doesn't exist.


I get a text back moments later.

To Freddie:

Who is Sam and why are you texting me we aren't friend nerd! Stop pinning for me.


As I read the text it feels like a thousand daggers. I sob and cry out "what happened to Sam!"

My phone buzzes. I ignore it thinking it's another rude text from Carly, but it buzzes again. It's a text from a blocked number.

It reads:

"Freddie it's time for your third decision, text next to continue."

I text next through sobs.

I immediately get another text.

"This decision will be different, you get one wish use it wisely, text back your wish to confirm it."

Without hesitation and in between sobs I text back "I wish for Sam!" I click send.

I sit in my car pounding my fists on the steering wheel sobbing and praying for Sam to come back.

"Please bring her back!" I beg "I think I might love her! I think I might be in love with her!" I cry out.

Sam's POV:

I'm not sure what happened, but I wake in my room and my vision is all fuzzy and I'm dizzy. I decide to grab my pear pad and try to listen to some music. Freddie shared this gospel playlist with me that's supposed to be good, maybe it will calm me down.

I grab my headphones and put them on, but instead of my music I hear loud sobs and the words "I think I might love her... I think I might be in love with her" uttered out in desperation between sobs.

I take them out of my ears. Those must be my soulmate headphones, but who does my soulmate love. Still dizzy I put what just happened at the back of my head and go to my kitchen to grab a glass of water. I take a sip and look out the window and see Freddie in his car banging his fists on his steering wheel and it looks like he's crying. I take some aspirin and go outside.

I walk up to Freddie's car and tap on the window. I don't know any better way to get his attention. He jumps and then his face turns white.

"Sam..." he says softly. "Sam!" He yells, "is that really you!" He gets of the car and hugs me.

"Freddie! Why are you crying?" I ask.

"I went to your door and your mom didn't know who you were. You were basically erased, even Carly didn't know you." He says still hugging me.

"Dude!" I say and push him away.

Then I hesitate... "uhhhh," I pause "that may be my fault" I say.

"What?" He asks now worried.

"I kind of used my wish to wish that I was never born" I say and look down at my shoes.

"Wwwwhy?" He asks, "why would you wish that, Sam?"

"Well when I told you I was fine. I wasn't. I was hurting and I didn't think anyone would miss me." I say embarrassed.

"Sam... I would miss you! I did miss you! I came to your house because I knew you weren't ok. I cried over you. I prayed for you to come back. Sam I missed you. Sam I L..." he stoppes mid sentence "never mind forget it" he says.

"I didn't matter to you. You didn't think about me or anyone else when you chose that wish. I really care about you Sam." He pleads trying not to sob.

"I'm sorry Freddie. I thought no one cared. I thought you hated me and my mom hated me and I didn't see the point of sticking around and making y'all miserable. I thought you'd be better off without me." I say.

"Well you're wrong Sam" he says angrily turning back towards his car.

He turns his head back to look at me "and by the way I L..." again he stops mid sentence. "Nevermind." He stares again.

"What Freddie? You what?" I yell.

"Just forget it Sam! It doesn't matter!" He says angrily and gets in his car.

He puts his head on his steering wheel and then I watch as he drives away. I walk back in my house. I have never seen Freddie so angry. I go in my room and sob. I can't believe I hurt Freddie and I can't believe I care so much that I did. I didn't know I cared so much about him.

I sit on my bed and watch tv, my eyes getting heavier every minute.

I text Freddie:

To Freddie:

Did you make it home ok?


He doesn't answer. I text again jokingly.

To Freddie:

Freddie! You can't stay mad at me forever!


He doesn't reply. Ughhh I think. Then I come to a realization if I wished to never be born than how am I back. How come I exist?

I send another text to Freddie.

To Freddie:

Wait, if I wished to never be born... than how come I'm back? How come I was gone and not born and then all of a sudden exist?


I sit and stare at the ceiling. A few moments later my phone buzzes.

I get a text from Freddie.

To Sam:

A wish was granted just for me, it could be for anything. I didn't wish for money or a mansion in Malibu.... I simply wished for one more day with you.


(Freddie's last text is the lyrics from "One More Day" by Diamond Rio)

Please let me know what you think of this chapter. :)
I started writing another one, but it needs major editing and I need more inspiration for it before I post it.

Video for "One More Day" by Diamond Rio attached.

Also happy birthday Noah Munck!

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