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The next 3 months go by and Freddie drinks a few sips of water but every time he tastes nothing, I guess his soulmate is never eating when he thinks they will be. Sam's eyes are still brown and will remain brown for the entire year until she finds her soulmate. It's almost time for their second decision to be made.

Freddie's POV:

I'm at school eating lunch with my AV club. We are working on a project to create an app that can read your mood by scanning your face, so we are in a classroom so our instructor can guide us.

I realize that if my soulmate goes to this school she should be eating right now. I grab my water out my backpack making sure to hide it. We aren't allowed drinks or food around the computers and other technology. My instructor fears we will spill breaking the expensive equipment. I take a sip and I taste nothing. I disappointedly put the bottle back in my bag. I really hoped it was someone from school that way I could narrow it down a bit.

I sigh... ughhh this is so complicated. I get back to work on my project.

Sam's POV:

I'm in detention for rigging Briggs chair to make fart noises. I'm not eating lunch because I can't afford a school meal plan and my mom doesn't keep any food at the house. I only ever eat at Carly's house or when Freddie buys me food.

I am doodling in my notebook when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I wait until Howard leaves and then I take my phone out and check the text. The screen reads...

"Samantha time for your second decision, reply with the word next to continue."

Again I hesitate. I just wish these decisions could be over with.

I reply next.

I immediately get a response.

It reads:

Your options are:

1. Headphones
2. Glasses
3. Gift Card

I do need a new pair of headphones so maybe that's a good choice, I think.

I have 20/20 vision so I don't need the glasses plus they could make you see something horrible. Again money has never made me happy.

I reply with 1.

A pair of headphones appears on my desk and I get another text.

It reads:

These headphones will tell you secrets. Listen 3 times and hear what your soulmate is saying; however there voice will be changed.

I immediately put them on.

"We need to change out the external hard-drives that ones full. Also, did you check for viruses?"

These are the words I hear. Great! A nerd, I think to myself. I put the headphones away and get back to doodling.

As I'm doodling I feel my hands start to shake. My heart races and I'm unable to breathe again. "Crap!" I say.

I text Freddie.

To Freddie:

Help! Now!


I wait for a response and finally my phone vibrates.

To Sam:

Go out front. I'm on my way.


I run out of the classroom and out to the sidewalk outside the front of the school. I sit and try to control my breathing. Breath in, Breathe out I say to myself trying to pace my breathe.

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