Alexis pov
After about 5 minutes of us catching up again I take my hand off of axel and put my hand on Addison who made a really funny joke when I look back at axel he's walking over to his dad and my mom who I might add is touching my mother.
I run over with my heels clicking on the wooden floor. Running over as fast as I could without putting peoples eyes on me.
" hey mom can you come and help me with these heels omg there getting annoying " I say grabbing my mom away from axels father and grabbing axel who was looking at his father with a death stare.
" oh of course baby what's wrong with them " she says looking down at my heels " there hurting so bad I thought you might have some tricks to make them hurt less " I say seeing her eye twitch.
" how many mom " I say looking at her seriously " what I've had none I'm a good mother why would I have any " she says almost tripping. She catches herself before she does though.
" no mom what the hell why you know how you are with these drinks mom your a light weight " I say complaining about her drinking. I hate it because sometimes she used to annoy me.
I look around for a chair near me and see one near the enter and exit with about four men and two women all talking and chatting.
I walk her over and sit her on it, she sits down and I noticed axel isn't by my side, I look over and see he's talking to his dad, more like yelling at him and pointing over here.
I walk over to him angry " I told you to let this go axel " I say and he looks over at me from looking at his father.
" I don't want to hear that right now take care of your mother I'll be over in five minutes " he says looking back at his father furious.
" no I don't want to hear that you cheated on hazels mom if you had the chance now, I swear if you do anything like that again I will beat you up dad don't do it again " axel says walking off grabbing my upper arm and pulling me away from his father who now has tears in his eyes.
Axels father looks to the ground and shakes his head, wiping away the tears and putting on a smile walking over to his friends.
I look over at axel and see he's annoyed so I let him ease off on his own.
" hey um do you want to come outside with me " I say and axel looks over at me still angry and nods his head. We walk out of the ball room and out the doors to the fresh air.
" I'm sorry " axel says pulling me into a hug and smiling at me. I smile at him and hug him back.
" it's okay we all have our problems " I say and he lets me go but holds my hand reassuring him that I'm here.
I look up at the night sky field with stars, " I want to have sex with you again sometime soon " axel says taking me by surprise.
I look over at him shocked " it's okay you don't have to say anything " he says back to me when he looks at me.
He pulls at my hand pulling me back in side slightly. We walk inside back into the music dancing around the room and off the walls.
I look around seeing all the women's dresses twirling around them as they get spun around. I look around looking for my mother seeing her over near a bunch of people dancing on a man.
I roll my eyes and look away sick of it already. Axel pulls me over to one of the guests at the party.
" hey uncle John this is my girlfriend Lexi " axel says looking at his uncle John. He has slick black hair and striking blue eyes, tall dad body.

Baby sitting the bad boys little sister
Teen Fictionshe gave up for a while then realised her brother wouldn't want this for her so she picked her self up, put the pieces back together although some were missing she put them back. Most of them at least. Alexia's brother died which made her mum and h...