Alexis pov
I can't believe it's been a year since my father died, me and axel decided to stay here for a little bit longer.
Our friends have all been in touch with us the past year, I've got a great job at a restaurant that my father loved, I've got another job at the cafe me and dad went too.
Axel has a great paying job at machines fixers, that's what they called it. where they fix cars. You can tell I'm not in to cars.
Me and axel have a great smallish apartment around 30 minutes away from our family's and friends.
Me and axel have been doing pretty great. We have had a few fights about money and moving away.
But they always end up with my legs shaky and him laying down next to me smirking.
I've been feeling off in the mornings but i just say it's my period but I don't think it is because axel and me did have sex a little while ago and I've been feeling off and sick.
I'm on my way to the store to get a pregnancy test. I open the car door getting out walking into the store I head right to the pregnancy tests.
I walk over and grab a box of the test. I walk over and buy them getting into the car.
I put the box onto the passengers side and drive off to pick axel up from work.
I hide the pregnancy test in my bag and he gets in a few minutes later.
" axel " I almost whisper, he looks over to me rubbing his forehead.
" yeah " he says pecking my lips quickly.
" I need to tell you something " I say and he looks over to me, he looks down to my fidgeting fingers and up to my eyes.
" I think I might be pregnant " I say looking down to my uterus. The car filled with tense silence.
I look up slowly to axel, he's looking at me shocked.
" really your pregnant " he says I shake my head and he furrows his eyebrows.
" I don't know, I just got the test " I say and grab the box out of my bag showing him it.
He smiles very slightly only for it to be gone before I could see it.
" we'll let's go and see " he says pointing to the road smiling he grabs my jaw and pulls my face towards his.
His lips met mine and we have a long kiss. He pulls back looking into my eyes intense.
" if you are don't be scared we've got this " he says and smiles.
I blush slightly and smile turning the car on.
He puts his hand down on my thigh. The butterfly's in my stomach fluttering around. He hasn't done this since we had our fight about moving away.
Or the money fight, he hasn't been the same. He's been getting money out of no where, he's been coming home late every night this past few weeks and it's worrying me.
" let's go " I say turning the car off, grabbing my bag getting out of the car axel comes to my side and holds my hand.
We walk into the house and he opens the box of pregnancy tests, he hands me a test and I go into the bathroom peeing on the stick.
My heart was beating fast and I was getting hot and anxious. I walk out with the stick putting it down on the counter.
I sit down on the chair holding my stomach, axel grabs my hand holding my hand anxiously.

Baby sitting the bad boys little sister
Teen Fictionshe gave up for a while then realised her brother wouldn't want this for her so she picked her self up, put the pieces back together although some were missing she put them back. Most of them at least. Alexia's brother died which made her mum and h...