Chapter 22

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Alexia's pov

I rub my eyes to see if it went away but it didn't so I walk back up half the stairs and start humming my way down to make them know I'm coming.

When I walk in they weren't as close and they didn't even look at me they were so focused on the least great part.

I laugh and they look at me " what " hope says in a little panic, they were just so focused on the movie that they were looking bad.

I smile and walk over to them and sit back in my spot.


It's been a little over an hour now and Taylor and hope have fallen asleep but for some ass reason I can't get to sleep at all I'm so tried but I can't go to sleep.

I get up off the couch and go into the kitchen to fell a hand grab my mouth to shut me up from screaming I was in shock that I didn't even try to scream or move.

" it's me axel " he said I turned around so quick " what the hell is wrong with you you could've been a murder and I didn't even scream oh my god I'm losing my mind " I say and he just laughs.

" ok I was coming in to get a drink and thought you would scream so I covered your mouth, so you didn't scream and wake everyone up " he said I smiled.

" how'd you know I scream that loud " I say and he smirked and I released how that sounded and covered my mouth " not like that " I say and he pushes me up against the kitchen table and whispers in my ear.

" oh I know you meant it like that " he said which gave me butterflies.

I look down at our close proximity and his body is right on mine, like it's pushed up against mine and I can't move his hands are on either side of me and his arms are caving me in so I can't get out I start to feel closed in and I don't like that feeling.

I start to breath faster and harder which he notices " are you ok " he says with concern " I don't think so I'm feeling closed in can you step back please " I ask him and he does as I say.

" thanks " I say and he nods I breath in and out for a minute and start to feel better.

" you good now " axel asks again and I nod " I've never felt that before " I say and he nods " I guess it's new and not a good thing is it " he says and I smile and nod.

" I'm gonna go now I guess " he says leaving me alone in the dark kitchen.

I stand back against the kitchen counter top and breathe in again for no reason.

" hey what are you doing in here alone"  Taylor says coming from the lounge room I look at him and see his hair is messed up a little from his sleep.

" oh I was getting a drink " I say and he walks over to me grabbing my waist " what are yo- " I try to say but his mouth shuts mine up because he kisses me, I pull back away from him and he looks at me with sad eyes.

" I really miss him please I really need a release can you please suck my dick " he sounded really desperate but I didn't care I'm not a sex toy for anyone to just push around.

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