she gave up for a while then realised her brother wouldn't want this for her so she picked her self up, put the pieces back together although some were missing she put them back. Most of them at least.
Alexia's brother died which made her mum and h...
I open my eyes and go to get up when axels arms wrap even tighter around my waist, my eyes go wide remember he was next to me the whole night.
" axel I need to go and see if my friends are ok " I say and in the sexy morning voice I've ever heard he says.
" no not that asshole again " I almost die, that melted my heart in so many ways.
" please I need to axel " I say and he lets me go, I walk out of the room not knowing my hair looked really bad like I had sex.
I walk out to most people on the couch watching a movie, they all look at me and see my hair.
" what did you and axel do last night " Taylor ( girl ) says " what do you mean we did nothing " I say and they all laugh.
" your hair says otherwise " she says and I look at the mirror that was next to me to see my hair was everywhere.
I gasp and look back at them with a shocked expression, hope bursts out laughing.
I huff at them and walk up the stairs to fix my birds nest on my head.
I walk in and see axel fully naked, I gasp and cover my eyes.
" you can look baby girl " he says walking closer " no I'm good " I say and start to walk to my bag that I can't see.
As I walk to my bag I hear the bathroom door open, I uncover my eyes and see axel but now he's wearing a towel that is hanging dangerously low on his hips.
I walk over to my bag and grab out some clothes and my hair brush.
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I try to walk into the bathroom but axel moved in front of me " move axel " I ask and he moves closer I take a step back but instead of stepping on the floor I stepped on something else making my foot jump in pain I push my body into axel and we start falling to the floor.
I don't know how we got into this position but he's on top of me smirking and I'm under him with the curtain around us trapping us together and my hand is stuck in the curtain or his towel .
" don't move I'll get us out " he says moving his body into mine and my hand is definitely stuck in his towel " ahh that's your dick axel stop moving " I yell and I can just tell everyone downstairs thinks we're doing the dirty.
" you look sexy down under me don't you think " axel says making me blush anymore then I can.
" ok stop moving I'm gonna get my hand out first " I say and he smirks.