Chapter 16

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Alexia's pov

I walk up the stairs and into the room I was staying in for the night. Why, well because I'm babysitting Hazel while her dad is on a business trip for the weekend.

I flop onto the bed and think to myself, what I'm gonna wear.

I get back up on my worn out legs and slowly walk my way to Axels room. He had the door shut.

I knock on it three times.

I hear a groan.

" what" he says.

" it's me can I talk to you for a second" I ask him, while rolling my eyes.

That's no way to answer a knock. I hope that's not how he does that to his dad.

I hear his footsteps and then the door opens.

" yes" he says in his annoyed voice.

God I've gotten used to that stupid voice.

He looks down at me with a smirk. " do you think I can have any different type of clothes, this is kinda uncomfortable to go to bed in " I huff out while looking up to see he's gotten into a pair of grey sweat pants and a black tee that fits his body we'll.

" no why" he says smirking.

" your kidding me" I say getting annoyed that he gets to wear comfy clothes but I'm not why that's not nice.

" no I do but what are you going to do to get them" he says with that fucking smirk. I hate that smirk so fucking much.

This whole week any time I'd look at him he'd give me that smirk.

" ahh nothing I'm here because I've got to babysit your little sister" I say back to him putting my hands on my chest. Cause I got a cold Shiva.

" that doesn't mean anything to me " he says " it should just please just give me the clothes I'm tired, and i don't want to be annoying, just give me clothes" I say giving up.

He looks down at me with a pouty lip and then smirks.

" NOPE now bye" he says shutting the door.

You've got to be kidding me. What the fuck did I even do to this asshole.

I walk back to my room and take these stupid heels off. I drop on to the bed and close my eyes.

" here ya go I'm not that mean" Axels voice comes from the doorway. I open my eyes at look at him.

" which do u want just the sweat pants or just the hoodie" he says smirking.

I smile and say " both" he laughs." no choose hoodie or pants" he says again with a blank look.

" your joking right" I say sitting onto my elbows " no" he says so smooth.

I look at him with the best pouty I can do " please both" I say, he smirks " one or the other or you can go without either way I'll be fine" he says tapping his foot.

" woah which one do you think will cover more" I say to see if he'll answer the question.

He smirks " neither" he says laughing. " I'll have the hoodie asshole" I say just as annoyed as he was before.

" fine with me just make sure to give it back" he says throwing me the hoodie " I will it's ugly anyway" I mutter but he hears it.

" whatever you say babygirl" he says walking off.

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