she gave up for a while then realised her brother wouldn't want this for her so she picked her self up, put the pieces back together although some were missing she put them back. Most of them at least.
Alexia's brother died which made her mum and h...
The party was pretty good I guess if you think two guys flirty with me and three guys trying to touch me.
Axel almost killed all of them but I thankfully stopped him, it was pretty fun.
We went home pretty early since the party was mostly older people and axels dad just wanted us there for us to see hazel because she missed us.
We announced the baby boy to everyone and most people want a girl. It feels like everyone's attacking me.
Everyone was pretty okay with it but axels dad did get angry that we're having a baby so soon. He did say we should get an abortion.
When he said that axel punched him in the face stormed out of the house with me following close behind him.
Hazel is really exited for the baby and her Mum, it's the next morning and axel is still pissed that his dad would suggest an abortion.
" axel come on it's okay I'm not getting an abortion just forget your dad even suggested that " I say as axel punches his fist into the living room wall.
Silence filled the room. Tense silence, axel takes his fist out of the wall and dusts it off. Shaking his hand to get the wall off his hand.
" sorry " he whispers, I lower my head as he takes a step toward me.
" axel you need to calm down " I say softly and grab his hand gently, he whimpers softly looking up to me.
" I know but I just can't why would he even say that " he says, I shake my hand dusting his hand off.
" come on put this on your hand " I say grabbing some frozen peas out of the freezer, I give him the peas and he placed them on his hand.
" thanks but I need to get ready for work " he says looking down to me, I nod my head and he smiles.
" when do you have work " he asks " in an hour " I answer and he nods " okay see ya soon " he says walking out of the house when he finished getting ready.
" love you " he says as he opens the door " love you " I say as he walks out the door closing it behind him.
I walk into the room and grab an outfit for work.
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I go into the bathroom put my outfit on and finish my mascara putting on some lipgloss and do my hair.
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