she gave up for a while then realised her brother wouldn't want this for her so she picked her self up, put the pieces back together although some were missing she put them back. Most of them at least.
Alexia's brother died which made her mum and h...
I open my eyes to the morning sunshine shining everywhere though my room.
I get out of bed and walk down the little steps, I walk into my closet and grab some clothes.
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I walk into the bathroom and get dressed into the clothes ' what should I put my hair in '.
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I curl the hair that wasn't in the braid and walk out of the bathroom, I walk out into the kitchen and see there's no mum again.
I thought she would of been allowed to have at least one day off, I guess not.
I walk over to the firdge and grab the ingredients for what I'm cooking.
I finish cooking and eat it, 'wait it's Saturday today, I've got to babysit James '.
I put my plate in the sink and walk up the stairs, I turn the TV on and watch some TV before I had to even do anything.
It's almost 4:30 so I think I'm gonna head over to her house, she texted me her address about an hour ago and told me to came over around 4:50 to 5:00.
I walk out of my house with my phone, my keys and the house keys, I walk over to my car and get into the car.
I drive to the address and knock on the door " hello thanks so much for coming" lisa says opening the door.
" it's okay I didn't have any plans so it's fine" I say walking into her house and let me just tell you these houses were all beautiful.
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