Chapter 28

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Alexis pov

We get to the beach about 5 minutes after we left my house and there's not that many people, there are more family's with young children and elderly people walking along the beach.

We all get out, axel grabbing hazel in his arms and grabbing to towels for him and hazel since I've got mine.

Hazel smiles kicking her legs telling me and axel that she is ready to be put down and into the water.

" ok do you know my rules though " I say and we slowly start walking down to the beach.

" what no I don't " she says and stops kicking her legs. " ok so since your younger then 10 you have to have one of us with you in the water at all times and if one of us isn't with you, you have to stay at waist length water or don't go into the water and you have to have fun no whining about how cold you are after we have to leave or about why we're leaving okay " I say and she nods us getting to the sand.

Axel puts hazel down " wait hazel " I say and she looks at me with a sad face " put your towel down so when you get out you can sit on it" I say and she runs over to axel grabbing her towel and putting it down.

" done " she says sitting down on it waiting for us " you can walk over to the water if you want now " I say and she runs for the water me thinking she's going to trip on the sand.

She makes it to the water nothing bad happening to her. She puts her foot in the water jumping back from the cold. I smile at her taking my shirt off.

Knowing axels looking I look over at him seeing his eyes travelling along my body. I push him over and put my shirt in my beach bag with my phone and axels phone in it.

I walk down to the water looking at hazel and axel being axel had to run into the water diving in when he thought he was deep enough.

" come on quick " hazel says grabbing my hand I touch the water and think to myself how did he run and dive into the water this cold it will take me a couple seconds to get into the water fully.

" pick me up " hazel says I grab her and put her on my hip since I know she's going to get cold.

" are you ready to do this " I say to hazel and she smiles at me nodding her head. Axel is nowhere in sight at this point so I get scared thinking about that but then all of a sudden where being splashed by water from axel.

I move my body into the water and hazel out of it but her screaming from it I can tell she's going to cry.

" axel stop " I yell over at him and hear hazel start sniffling. " it's okay he didn't mean it did you " I say and look at him like a mum would at her husband/boyfriend if he did it to their child.

She wraps her arms around my neck and hides herself for axel. Axel looks at me and nods for some reason. I look over at him again and he tells hazel to look at him.

She doesn't!.

" come on it's funny " I say and she looks over at axel and I splash him with some water her smiling again. I do it again and she smiles more starting to do it too.

Me, axel and hazel are out up to axels waist and my chest which is on hazel up to her waist, she wants to be put down to swim on her own but I'm scared I don't want her to drown even though I won't let that happen to her.

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