she gave up for a while then realised her brother wouldn't want this for her so she picked her self up, put the pieces back together although some were missing she put them back. Most of them at least.
Alexia's brother died which made her mum and h...
I wake up to the bright light shining on my whole body and my bed. I get up off my bed and walk over to my closet and grab a outfit for the day.
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I walk into the bathroom and put the outfit on, I do my hair like this.
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I walk out of the bathroom and go up the small steps, I grab my phone and put it in my small pocket in my cardigan.
I walk out of my room and down the stairs, I walk over to the kitchen and again mum isn't here, I walk over to the firdge and grab the chocolate milk and have a glass.
I walk out of the firdge and over to the pantry, I open the doors and I look for something to eat, I found something to eat, and I eat it.
' I wonder what type of dirty pick-up line I should say ' whatever I'll think of, I'll say there on the spot.
I walk out of my house and walk to my car, I get in and drive to school.
I get to school and walk to my friends.
The day went good I'm sitting here eating and thinking of what I should say.
" hey cute cheeks, I'm gonna fuck you up and your gonna wish you didn't make a bet with me" Jacob says from behind me, I roll my eyes and look behind me.
" ok well sit down and let's see about that" I said, theres that cute boy again ' no this can't be happening whatever focus ' I think.
" ok I'll think of one first" he says sitting down and I smile looking at his thinking face.
" ok I've got it" he said after a couple minutes " my sims just had babies and now I'm jealous, how about we make sure we're even with em " he said.
I nod my head " good one" I say " shall we see if I'm allergic to your juices" I say smiling.
" please tell me that's an offer" he asks " it's not but good try, are you gonna try and beat me or did I just beat you " I say laughing.
" my little friend spits when he's happy wanna see" he says a little to cocky " good one just remember we only have one more go now" I say.