Training Corps

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A couple of months had passed since that fight between Levi and (Y/N). And in that time the two had gotten closer to each other, living like brothers. (Y/N) grew a certain attachment to the younger man; they got off to a rocky start but their friendship had come to a point where (Y/N) would die for him.
They were competitive, trying to one up each other at everything. Where Levi excelled in ODM manoeuvring, (Y/N) excelled at tactical decisions: he had a certain knack for figuring out solutions to problems. (Y/N), being a few years older than Levi, treated him like a younger brother, always there for him.
They were labelled as two of the most promising cadets the Training Corps had ever seen. The instructor was particularly impressed by their teamwork; paired with other cadets their performance was average; but put together, they made a cut-throat team.
Flawless communication: as though they read each other's thoughts.
This fact however, was found out in one such training session.
The cadets were allowed to pair up with whoever they wanted to, having to work together to take down the Titan figurines, as quickly and effectively as they could, sustaining minimal damage to themselves.
At the announcement of this, all the cadets murmured fervently, in a flurry of movement, finding themselves a partner. You were about to head towards Levi when you saw a familiar girl, with dirty blonde hair, standing and talking to him.

She was very obviously blushing, you couldn't help but notice that as you edged your way through the crowd towards him.
She stood, one finger twirling a lock of her hair as she nervously muttered in a rather annoying high pitch voice, "D'you want to team up?", she seemed pretty hopeful.

Everyone knew about Petra and her not so secret crush on Levi.

It was so painstakingly obvious, you couldn't help but tease him about it.

From the distance you were at you saw Levi pull a frown; he wasn't the talking type and when he did, he tended to offend the people around him. This time however, he muttered back, "I'm teaming with (Y/N)...I just. Can't find him."
"You called?", popping out of the crowd and placing your arm on his shoulder.
"Levi" you sighed, sparing Petra a glance "when a pretty girl asks to partner up, most people don't reject the offer", now smirking.
Oh this was priceless.
He grunted, elbowing you in the side.
"Looks like it's a no, sorry Petra", you raised an imaginary hat to her; she looked thoroughly offended and was interrupted by that doofus Oluo, before stalking away in the opposite direction.

"(Y/N), what the fuck. You know I don't like her" Levi yelled, as soon as she was out of earshot.
"God, it's hilarious; she's a hot mess, what does she see in you anyways? Not your height definitely, it's a wonder she noticed you in the first place"
"I'm going to kill you"
"Save it for laters, now focus; we've got Titans to kill", rubbing your palms in anticipation.
"Do you have a plan?" He shot you a questioning glance.
"As a matter of fact, I do; disable and then destroy. It's a relatively simple technique, you lead the attack and I'll cover for you, every opening you leave, I'll take that place, that ensures that we've occupied at least a metre Long radius around each of us-"
"- and it makes sure nothing escapes our reach. Sounds good, let's go" he finished your sentence, just as a green flare shot up into the sky. Levi shot into the forest first and you followed suit.
Every target that came into contact was cleanly and efficiently cut down: where Levi had missed, or where he was unable to strike, (Y/N) took care of it. It worked like clockwork, learning to adjust each other based on their position. Non verbal communication, for they seemed to communicate with their thoughts rather than words.

The instructor watching the whole scene unfold, was thoroughly impressed, and to no one's surprise, it was the duo that bagged first position.

That's how things went on for months.

It was currently snowing and (Y/N) was dragging the supplies crate behind him as 4 cloaked figures trudged forward. They were in the middle of their winter training, where they were given a week's supplies and sent to survive in the harsh, cold mountains for a month. Once their supplies got over, they would have to survive their best in the cold. Any cadet could choose to opt out by firing a flare, they would be rescued immediately, but they would also lose all the points for the exercise. So far two teams had been removed, and with Petra's constant chattering, (Y/N) wished he could leave too.
The blonde girl had taken to talking non-stop to Levi. The situation would've been hilarious for (Y/N) if it weren't for the splitting headache and biting cold. He volunteered to carry the supplies, and Gunther had taken to navigation. That left Oluo, Petra and Levi lighting their way forward. From the remains of the dying sun, they could tell it was going to be nightfall soon, and fortunately for them, Gunther had chanced upon a cave, easy for them to spend the night in.

Petra's voice was ringing in your ears, it was starting to get annoying now.

A fire was lit in the centre, and you all gathered around it, warming up and bringing out the fruit Oluo had salvaged earlier.
"Why don't we get to know more about each other! How about you tell us more about yourself Levi?" Her annoyingly high pitched voice echoed in the cave. The other two didn't seem to mind; you would not have either were it not for the pain and stress you felt along with the sore muscles.
"I don't want to. I'll keep guard outside" he spoke in a heavy tone, tinged with annoyance. You could tell he wanted nothing to do with her. She didn't seem to get the hint though
"I'll join you too!" She squealed.
"You should stay inside, let the brat be", Oluo voiced, his words laced with jealousy.
"Don't call him a brat. And stop trying to act like him you little fucker"
Gunther noticed the tense situation and attempted to defuse it by making some crackpot excuse as to why only one person should stay outside, and that we should all probably rest.

When they all were asleep though, (Y/N) crept out of the cave, making as little noise as possible in the snow only to find Levi perched on a rock, making little circles in the snow with the butt of his gun.

"How you doing champ. I would've told her to shut up but man, carrying those supplies is hard work"
He smiled dolefully, not looking up.
"Asshole" he muttered under his breath.
"Now, now that's not a very nice thing to say", you made your way over to him and sat in the snow, using your cloak as a seat to prevent your butt from freezing.

"Y'know (Y/N), you always reminded me of the brother I always wished I'd had"

"And you, the brother I lost"

His ears piqued at the sudden revelation.
"He's gone?" His eyebrows now raised, eyes filled with curiosity.
"Yes" a sad smile formed on your lips, memories of your once happy family running through your mind.
"May I... No, could I ask, what happened?"
"I ran away from home when I was a kid, along with another girl I'd met." You hesitated, "he didn't understand the situation, he was young you know, and he got caught up in all of this"
You took a deep breath, trying desperately to block out all of the sad memories rushing to your mind.

"What was his name?"
There was a heavy silence settling over you,

"He was killed. The both of them actually." Pause. "Just, if... you wanted to know", you simply couldn't bring yourself to meet Levi's eyes, you were now tracing 'Ivaan' into the snow with a stick you'd found earlier.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be. There's nothing you could do about it. Heck even I couldn't save him", a tear fell, instantly freezing on your cheek.
"Is that why you're joining the military police?"
"Planning to. It's useless now, I'd never catch the bastard who did it: if he's still alive that is. No. I've dedicated my time; I've given it a thought, I'm joining the Survey Corps. I want to make a difference... and. I want to explore the outside world."
A sudden warmth took over you, Levi had caught you in a half hug. He didn't say much, but a lot of unsaid things were put into the hug. The tension was easing away.
From now on, you swore to protect him with your life.
He was now family.

A/N: first of all, yes everything is essential to the plot. And yes my hatred for Petra is showing. REVISED because I changed the ending again, things weren't connecting well so I had to revise everything.

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