Battle Of Trost District Part 3

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Mikasa drew in a couple of sharp breaths, looking around and taking in the environment. Bodies were strewn around, the road covered in blood. She tore her eyes away from the gory sight, instead focusing on the man on the ground. She quickly pressed a finger to his wrist, the faint pulsing of the blood underneath confirmed that he was, indeed alive. The back of his head was bleeding, she noticed as the thick liquid covered her hands. Mikasa swung the body over her shoulder in a firemen's lift, tightly gripping his arm and leg and locking him into place across her shoulders. Carrying him wasn't too hard, not for a girl of her height and build anyway; the problem lay in how to get him up to the rooftops. She'd have to be careful with ODM, lest he fall off. More so, the odd angle at which his gear stuck out, covered her right eye, obscuring her field of vision by a sizeable amount.

It took a few tries but she did it anyway, deftly swinging on to a window ledge and then pushing herself up to the roof. It wasn't very high up and if there were any seven to ten metre Titans about, well, their already Low chances of survival would drop to zero. She put down the body and felt for a pulse. It was stronger now. Mikasa looked around, searching for perhaps another soldier, one that could help her with this situation but no one was there. Everything was empty save for the Low rumbling of the surface from the heavy footfalls of the Titans. She didn't know what to do now. They weren't too far from the inner gate, she could still fly them there. But Eren and Armin were on the frontlines, and her heart ached at the thought of them. It was also impossible for her to carry him all the way to her friends, she'd use up far too much gas and god knows what other problems they'd run into. She'd decided to wait, lost in her thoughts, so lost.


It took a while for (Y/N) to gain consciousness. Fortunately for them, no Titans were about, save for a few, too short to reach their perch on the rooftop. (Y/N) finally stirred, his eyes opening slowly. He looked groggy and out of focus, lost even. Mikasa rushed over to him when she heard him wake up. So far she'd been sitting on a higher ledge, keeping a lookout for any stray Titans that could endanger their situation. The young captain took a while to gain awareness about the situation but he was still left confused and lost. The moment he remembered what happened he unbuckled parts of his gear, checking the working mechanisms of it. Mikasa furrowed her eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" She asked, watching him slowly unravel a wire and then screw it back into place with the tip of his blade.
"My gear," he began, fumbling with the gas tanks and hammering the metal back into place, "is malfunctioning, that's why I fell." He muttered quickly taking a long look at the internal mechanism of his ODM. He frowned.
"There's a whole part that's loose, completely out of place" he stated. Mikasa only frowned in response, "did you not check your gear before we left?" She pressed.
"I did, that's the problem, I screwed all the parts in myself before we came to Trost"  a loud scream echoed in the air, piercing through the harsh wind. Both (Y/N) and Mikasa turned their heads quickly; at the very least, someone was alive on the frontlines, they thought.

"My gear is useless now." He muttered, deep in thought. Travelling without ODM amongst Titans was nothing short of suicide. The only small comfort he had were that his blades were fully functional; that is to say if a Titan picked him up, he could carve his way out. Mikasa looked agitated, glancing back and forth in the direction of the scream, to (Y/N). She heard him say something and an idea clicked in her head.

"There's... dead soldiers around here, you can take one of their gear" even as she said it she felt bad; it felt like they were desecrating the remains of the fallen by taking their gear. But necessity overruled their respect for the dead, as she motioned for the young captain to stay behind, leaping from a ledge to a few paces away. She encountered a small Titan that was chewing on a dead body. The sight made the contents of her stomach rise, and the smell of blood was running thick through the air. In one fell swoop she cut down the Titan and walked through the fallen bodies looking for a set of gear. Out of the corner of her eye she could see him climb higher up, keeping a watch for her in case any Titan decides to show up uninvited.

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