Can You Be Trusted?

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Levi walked downstairs with you, escorting you to the carriage that was waiting outside. After spending a whole 2 days at the Survey Corps HQ, you managed to catch up with all that was going on, even getting the burden of what you saw, off your shoulders. It was refreshing to talk about it to Erwin, and (Y/N) was indeed incredibly lucky that the commander had taken it so well. Who knows what would've happened to him if he didn't.
No time to dwell on that I suppose, instead redirecting your thoughts towards the children beyond the walls. If there were indeed people beyond the walls, then why was the government so anxious to hide that information. Even so, with the Titans outside it should've been impossible to survive.
"When are you coming back to the HQ?" He spoke abruptly.
You were outside now.
"Perhaps within a year. I'll have to admit, I miss the fighting."
"Always one for bloodshed weren't you"
"Necessary bloodshed", you corrected, "and the training corps were starting to bore me. I want to get in a bit of action"
"I suppose Hange has already told you this; the scouts are practically useless. Premier Zackly, refuses to approve any more expeditions, so we've been spending our time training."
He stopped talking, waiting for you to climb into the back of the carriage.
"How many cadets do you think are going to join the scouts?"
"The 104th Training corps consists of some of the brightest, most determined minds I've ever seen"
"Anyone particularly special?"
"Yes, one. Eren Jaeger."
"Doesn't ring a bell. You need to convince as many of the cadets as possible to join the scout regiment. And do write frequently, I don't know how much longer I can tolerate the boredom."
The carriage pulled into a slow gallop, echoing over the empty street.
"Will do.", (Y/N) muttered, the slight swaying of the carriage slowly putting him to sleep.

It was quite late in the afternoon when (Y/N) reached the Training Corps' base of operations and the place was mostly deserted, most of the cadets having gone for lunch. (Y/N) crossed the grounds and made his way back to his office, shutting the door and slipping off his coat. He let out an audible sigh as he dusted down his chair and sunk in it, deep in thought over Erwin's words. He pushed the thought aside as soon as it came, there were Titans outside the wall, it would be impossible for humanity to survive. He was about to get to work when he heard a sharp knock on the door,
"How did your trip go?"  The door opened, revealing Keith Shadis, he walked over and sat across you.
"Very well actually. It was refreshing to be able to meet my old comrades."
"Glad you had fun" he grunted, massaging his forehead, an action which didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Stressful?" You asked pulling out a satchel of water and pouring a glass for him.
"This lot is a lot more rowdier than any I've ever had to handle. This is nearly the third fight I've had to break up within the week." He took the glass and chugged it down. "On the flip side though, they also happen to have some of the most talented cadets I've ever met, top notch soldiers in the making."

"Eren Jaeger?" You raised your eyebrows in question, seeing as you missed the day of Eren's aptitude test, you had no idea what became of the boy. He threw you a dark glance,
"No not him, he's decent at best" Shadis shrugged off your comment, "Mikasa Ackerman, Reiner Braun, they're the ones who really excel... you could even go so far to call them flawless"
"I see" you trailed off looking a little disappointed.
"How many do you think are going to join the Survey Corps?" You pressed on, mentally taking note of the fact that if Eren joined, it was highly likely Armin and Mikasa would join too.
"I'll give you the odd guess of about 4 or 5. Most would prefer to join the Garrison and it's highly likely that all of the top ten go into the Military Police." He got up suddenly as though he had forgotten something, "it was great talking to you, but you should really get on with your work. And I'd like you to train the cadets in melee combat this week. It's been far too quiet in the barracks and I can feel a storm brewing in there, good day" he said swiftly slamming the door shut and storming down the hallway, his footsteps echoing throughout.

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