Battle Of Trost District Part 2

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There wasn't any time to process anything, thought (Y/N). The steam emanating from the top of the wall obscured their vision and out of the corner of his eye, he could see the monster take a swing at the canons. It was an intelligent being then, this confirmed it. As much as he wanted to charge against the Titan, itching for a fight, the cadets were still stuck on the wall and officers had been dispatched to call them back. The cadets! (Y/N) bit his lip, thinking about the cadets, what if they hadn't survived. They were positioned right where the Colossal Titan appeared, there was a high chance that they were caught directly within its attack. Rico appeared by his side, fully geared up too, her blades drawn in her hands and a bag of flares slung around her side. She looked grimly at the chaos that ensued at HQ; officers running back and forth, cadets returning from their posts, sick to their stomach, crying even.

The Titan was no longer visible but a panicking mess of an officer told them all they needed to know. Its work here was done. The gate had fallen and the loud, rumbling footfalls told them that Trost was soon going to be titan territory.
The people.
They needed to get the people out of here and (Y/N) soon realised how hopeless the situation was. The Survey Corps were beyond the walls ; the only people who stood a fighting chance against these giants were miles away from Trost. There was no time to call reinforcements. All they had left, to fight, were the cadets and garrison officers; neither of which had ever faced so big a threat before. Even as he thought about it, he could see several cadets vomiting their guts out, some crying uncontrollably, like it was their last day on this Earth. (Y/N) just stood there, witnessing the scene with worry in his eyes for his own group of students. What happened to Eren, Mikasa, Reiner and the others.

He caught sight of them, eventually, all looking thoroughly frazzled as they all received their orders. The Garrison was splitting them all into teams, to ensure that the Titans never reach the inner gate; thus making sure that all the citizens were evacuated. (Y/N) was placed into the Elite Guard; no surprises there, although Mikasa too soon joined them. He looked at her, concerned but she just managed a hard stare, masking the worry that once adorned her face. It wasn't that Mikasa wasn't skilled enough to handle the job, but to put so much pressure on someone this young, didn't sit right with (Y/N).

Even as he ran out with the rest of his comrades he felt his gear wearing down on him, it didn't feel right. Visually, nothing seemed wrong, and his presence was crucial, so (Y/N) made little of it and pressed on, throwing himself off the tower and swinging gracefully across the landscape. The blood rushed to his face, adrenaline coursing through his body. He'd missed this. The thrill of the battle. He heard Vivian shout out to him from ahead;
"Good luck" they said, "see you in a bit", (Y/N) grinned back.
"You too" he smiled.
They were placed on the Elite Guard then, a little ahead of his own post, he thought to himself as he skid around the corner of a building having spotted a Titan ahead.

(Y/N)'s boots scraped the edge of the winding road as he quickly switched between running and swinging, closing the distance between him and the Monster. It turned its head around, finally catching scent of him and reared it's head, running towards him. Up close, he realised, this one was a lot uglier than the others, with wide eyes and a squished head, barely 7 metres, he gauged. Letting his hooks sink into the walls of a nearby (now broken) pub he swung upwards, using his momentum to charge down and slash the nape of the Monster, killing it instantly.

He repeated this a couple more times, felling Titans like it was nobody's business, although keeping towards the gate, lest a stray Titan charge in. The evacuation of the citizens was going on, slower than usual, instead he set his sights forward and swung through the city, killing any Titan that crossed his path even assisting a few of his teammates along the way. Vivian had long since vanished, into the foray of the battle and (Y/N) nervously glanced around in worry. He recognised the place; it was where Vivian and their squad were stationed. They were supposed to be around this area, but the place was empty and deserted and the air strangely silent even amongst the crying and shouts on the other side.

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