Get it, Jaegerbomb

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Almost 2 years had passed since Wall Maria had fallen. All the citizens living within Wall Maria were evacuated and moved to Wall Rose. The thousands of refugees travelling inwards, put a strain on the resources of Wall Rose. Shortage of food, shortage of land, no place for them to live. Many people turned to violence and crime to keep themselves alive. Fights broke out over the smallest of reasons.

More people died in fights than from starvation. In order to maintain peace within the Walls, the government sent out people to "retake Wall Maria". 250,000 refugees were sent back into Titan territory, out of which only a hundred made it back alive.


But it seemed to have served their cause.

Today happened to be the initiation ceremony for all new members of the Training Corps. Due to the huge drop in survey corps numbers, hardly any expeditions were carried out; most of them being put on hold at the moment. Having finished most of the paperwork earlier in the day: which involved documenting the resources used by the scouts, (Y/N) had virtually nothing more to do. Things were getting boring now. Nothing much happened.

So he took up work at the training corps, as an assistant officer, having to help Instructor Keith Shadis handle the cadets.

Shadis was in the process of breaking in the cadets; essentially insulting them to the point where they lost all sense of self respect. (Y/N), along with Vivian, was watching from a distance. They watched as he picked up a short kid by his head.

"Poor kid" Vivian spoke out of the corner of their mouth.

"Keith seems to be going harder on these kids. I swear our instructor wasn't that bad"

"Speak for yourself; he bullied my salute and cussed me out for looking weak. I nearly quit."

Shadis now proceeded to head-butt a tall boy with two tone hair.

"He missed some of them." Vivian pointed out some of the grimmer looking cadets, among which stood a very familiar brunette boy.

"Those are the ones who witnessed the Titans monstrosity firsthand, you can usually tell by the look in their eyes". (Y/N) had seen the boy before, he just couldn't recall where.

His thoughts were interrupted by Keith yelling, louder than usual:


"I'm Sasha Braus, sir, from Dauper village, south of Wall Maria."

"And what are you holding in your right hand?"

"A steamed potato sir"

All the cadets remained silent, their eyes fixed nervously on the exchange.

Vivian and (Y/N) edged closer to have a better look.

It seemed that Sasha had begun eating a steamed potato right in the middle of the initiation.

"That girl's got gall doesn't she?" You folded your arms across, eager to watch the incident unfold.

The situation became worse when she offered "half" of the potato to Shadis; breaking the potato into two, and offering the much smaller piece to him.

You could see the vein throbbing in his forehead, he was dangerously close to raging.

"She fucked up," Vivian sighed.

That was his breaking point. Keith completely lost it, yelling like a madman, making her run rounds without a break.

He bullied a few more cadets and then finally dismissed them.

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