Battle Of Trost District Part 1

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(Y/N)'s eyes flickered open, slowly adjusting to the bright white light filtering through his window. He was back in his office, although, he wasn't quite sure how. The last thing he remembered , he realised, was drinking by the lake. After that, everything was a blur of movement. Probably one of the others found him and brought him back here. Most likely. He drew in a sharp breath, and stretched his arms, walking to the window and staring out of it. His head was pounding and his throat parched. There were a couple of carriages lined outside and cadets lining up to enter it, and he stood there watching them, thoroughly confused as to where they were going off to. He got his answer almost immediately when the door creaked open and Keith stormed inside.

"(Y/N) (L/N) WHY THE FUCK AREN'T YOU DOWNSTAIRS" he bellowed. The sudden noise rang through your ears, causing your already painful headache to worsen. You pressed a hand to your head and slumped against the wall trying to shut out the noise. "Please don't talk so loud" you whispered.
"I'LL SHOW YOU LOUD." He yelled even louder. (Y/N) sunk down to the floor, rubbing his temple. "What is it?" You asked when a wave of realisation washed over you. Today was the day you were supposed to be leaving to Trost. You mentally face-palmed yourself over your idiocy. "I'm sorry, I'll be there in 10" you murmured. Keith nodded, "You're not supposed to be drinking here." He started and then shook his head in disappointment and sighed. "Get ready, be quick", he snapped, shutting the door with so great a force that you thought it would be blown off of its hinges.

A little over an hour later and (Y/N) was packed into a carriage with a group of hyperactive young cadets, his ODM gear stowed away in another. They laughed and played and joked with each other; very loudly, loud enough to cause your head ache to worsen, but you smiled to yourself, not having the heart to tell them off. You looked out through the side, the walls were getting closer now and the lift was in sight. Reiner, who was sitting across you, was the only one not joking around with the rest. Highly unlikely of him, thought (Y/N) but then later realised these guys were just kids, they were probably, no scratch that, they were most likely nervous. He crossed his arms and stared down at his feet, occasionally glancing at the others, but staying quiet nevertheless. (Y/N) nudged his leg, "You alright there?" You asked, voice full of concern.

Reiner looked a little startled at the gesture and tightened his folded arms across his chest. He looked plenty nervous and stayed silent for a bit chewing his bottom lip, his gaze averting yours. "I'm fine" he mumbled, still not looking at you. Unsatisfied with the response, you were about to press on with another question but was interrupted by an excited Cadet Jaeger, tugging on your shoulder, pointing excitedly at the lifts, "Hey look! We're nearly there" he said, buzzing with excitement and calling out to Mikasa and the rest. Shaking Reiner's reaction away from your head you pressed a finger to your temple, your head still hurt, although admittedly a lot less now. After what felt like forever, the carriages finally came to a halt. You stepped out and headed in the opposite direction from the cadets, to the Officer's room along with the other Instructors and members of the Garrison.

"Rico!" You smiled widely embracing the shorter woman who had walked up to you. "How are you? It's been ages since we'd met" you asked thinking back to the days when you were in training. Back then you had been a lot more uptight and less open, Rico however, was someone you'd felt comfortable around, not so much so that you were the closest of friends, but just enough that you quite enjoyed her presence. Your paths split when she decided to join the Garrison, and you, the Survey Corps. "Ages it has been, ever since you joined the scouts I barely had the opportunity to see you" she smiled, laughing ruefully, "In any case, it's good to see that you're still alive, and healthy" she remarked. "I'd never die on you, I swear!" You retorted, chuckling along with her. "Still, you're part of the Training Corps now? Scout work didn't do it for you?" She questioned, her tone becoming a little more serious now. "Lack of it actually. There wasn't anything to do so I joined here for a bit. I admit though, I throughly regret that decision", you threw her a knowing look, to which she just grinned.

The next couple of hours passed by like a breeze. (Y/N) and his fellow instructors, along with Rico and a few members of the Garrison spent time having lunch together. Most of them had trained with each other; the table laden with not just food but with stories too, of their childhood, or of each other. Things had never quite looked this happy ever since that attack nearly 5 years ago. But even amongst the cheery atmosphere, (Y/N) found his thoughts wandering over to the Attack and the idea of humanity beyond the walls. It had become a new obsession of his and he spent much of his waking moments dwelling on it. Out of the corner of his eye he swore he noticed a person sneaking into the Storeroom, but he didn't think too much of it. Instead, diverting his attention to a far more interesting story that  was being narrated. Everything was normal, or as normal as things could be within the walls. The cadets seemed to be holding their own too, you thought, glancing out through the open window to the little moving shadows that dotted the top of the walls.

The air seemed to get more still. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Rico nudged his shoulder, pulling him back into the conversation they were having. And suddenly it happened. A crack of lightening, the same bright yellow light and a loud resonating sound. The earth trembled, threatening to collapse the building. (Y/N) rushed to have a better look at what was happening, although he had a funny feeling he knew what it was. A volley of rocks showered from nearby along with scraps of badly burned metal. He rushed out to the Storehouse and geared up, his hands fumbling with the straps of his gear and fervently urging the others to do the same. The cadets hung on to the edges of the walls, retreating from the now destroyed cannons. The land was half- shrouded in shadow and from above, the Monster breathed out puffs of steam.

The Colossal Titan had returned.

A/N: <333 Reiner's reaction is important

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