Beyond The Walls?

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"Like this?"

Eren's voice shook slightly. He was gripping onto your shoulder for support. Now hanging a little over 4 feet in the air.

"Try spreading out your legs a bit, it'll help you keep your balance."

It was early in the night. The sun had just begun to set.

"Ok I'll let go now, see if you can keep your balance", (Y/N) spoke in a Low voice, finally letting go of Eren and taking a few steps back.

It wasn't a second before you let go of him, that Eren lurched forward unexpectedly and smashed his head onto the ground.

"Armin, lower him. We'll try once more alright, don't lose heart."

You reached forward hoisting Eren up.

It had been over an hour of practice and Eren still didn't get the hang of ODM. You didn't want to admit it but it seemed unlikely he would pass the aptitude test tomorrow. Another thing also came back to you. (Y/N) was due to submit a report to the Commander by the end of the week. It would be stupid to postpone it further seeing as it wasn't too big of a deal. That and the fact that there was something bugging his mind all the time; something he thought he ought to notify the commander about. Ever since he saw those 3 children outside the walls, there was an ever growing suspicion: maybe there were humans out there. He kept the information to himself, it was far too risky to talk to anyone else, lest they report him to the King; the Empire doesn't take too kindly to their citizens nosing around, especially about the outside. The subject was taboo. Plus there wasn't any concrete evidence that what he saw was real. As Levi said, it could've just been a trick of the light, borne out of his overactive imagination coupled with sheer exhaustion. (Y/N) had made up his mind though. It wasn't a coincidence that the same day he supposedly saw humans outside the walls, there was a freak Titan Attack, an Attack by Titans he'd never seen before, heck, no one had even heard of them. Somehow the two were connected. And although this theory tread on thin ice, it would make sense to reveal it to Erwin.

"Uh sir?"

Eren's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"I'm ready to give it another shot!"

"Alright then, Armin, hoist him up please"

He managed to balance for a few seconds before slipping back and hitting his head to the ground. The bells rang across the training grounds.

"Well as much as I would allow you all to practice. Its curfew, you better be going back to your dorms." You paused hesitating, "and Eren. Don't stress too much, get some sleep, you need to remain fresh if you want to pass tomorrow"

"Yes sir."

(Y/N) and Mikasa helped Eren down, assisting him in unbuckling out of the gear, and then escorting the three of them back to the Bunks.

The next morning, all the cadets were filled with excitement, eager to see the outcome of Jaeger's test. They all gathered behind Shadis, in (mostly) neat rows. Eren looked around nervously, occasionally he caught The Eye of Mikasa and Armin, both nodding encouragingly at him, although (Y/N) wasn't to be seen anywhere. That wasn't enough to calm the nerves however. Today would determine whether he would move on or fail.

Slowly he was hoisted up. He managed to keep balancing upright, this time he got it, he was there, he had passed. Cheers emanated from the Cadets.

He did it!

With a sudden snap he was pushed backwards, falling down.


No this couldn't be happening.

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