The Fall Of Wall Maria

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The evacuation bells rang. Many of the citizens gathered round the wall, stunned: they had never seen anything like it; a Titan bigger than the walls.

It peered over the city, steam emanating from its gaunt face.

No one had ever seen a Titan like this.

It had no skin, only muscle and bone, standing some 60 metres high. There was no telling what it would do. All scouts rushed to their horses, the Garrison should be handling this. Although, no one was sure what the garrison would do.

It was not Everyday a Titan bigger than the walls paid a visit.

The wounded soldiers were removed from the city of Shiganshina, and escorted back to Wall Maria. The able scouts stayed to assist the Garrison.

Blades were drawn however no one engaged.

A sound like thunder filled the air, and in a matter of seconds the gate collapsed, filling with cracks before exploding into a million tiny pieces of rock. The stones and rocks; debris from the broken gate flew into the city, crushing underneath it civilians and property alike. Shiganshina was now open to the Titans.

The citizens were now aware of the trouble they were in.

Chaos ensued, people rushing home only to find it destroyed, blood all over the streets, bodies from the ground crushed under the weight of the falling rocks.

From the hole in the gate, Titans entered. Their heavy footfalls encompass the whole landscape mixed with the screams of the retreating townsfolk. A boulder landed on the tower of the Survey Corps HQ, killing a few scouts in the process. There were far too many Titans in the city, and with so few a number, engaging them would be foolish.

"Do not engage!" Erwin's command filled the air.

"Fall back to the walls, assist the garrison in the evacuation of citizens. Defend the gate with your life, do not take unnecessary risks. We must conserve our numbers.


All scouts rode out, back to Wall Maria. They were no stranger to death, and seeing it all around was normal for them. This Attack was unprecedented. No one called it.

(Y/N) thought hard. On all his scouting expeditions he was dead sure he'd never come across something like this. This was new. Still perplexed, he led his squad towards the entrance gate of Wall Maria.

The garrison was struggling to defend the gate, Titans advanced from all directions. They had brought out the cannons but they weren't effective at all. Joan and Light had sped towards a nearby house, rescuing the remnants of a family, trapped inside, and charging back into the gate of Wall Maria. Vivian and (Y/N) were going berserk, killing as many Titans as they could, preventing them from reaching the gate. They swung through the city, having the advantage of buildings, cutting through as many Titans as they could. A lot of people were being eaten. Trapped under their houses or lost. The air was filled with the stench of blood. So far they were mostly successful in preventing the Titans from approaching too close to the gate.

Most civilians were now on the other side of Wall Maria, removing them from immediate danger. The gates were closing and (Y/N) and his squad only managed to make it through. Some of the garrison were stuck outside, firing the cannon in vain. (Y/N) now assisted in escorting the people, loading them onto the boats; the women, elderly and children getting first priority. The people were getting impatient and pushing through, trying to get on the boats to save their lives. Every boat was filled to the maximum capacity and very second the people spent arguing was a second wasted.

There was a flash of lightning from the other side. No one thought too much of it. (Y/N) was guarding the steps to the boat, making sure the needy were loaded first. A member of the garrison pushed through the crowd, blonde haired and carrying two children. You recognised the two of them from earlier in the morning. The young brunette boy and the black haired girl.

"Take these children first" he spoke, his voice cracked and broken.

You loaded the children onto the boat muttering a "you'll be safe" in the process.

Another crack of thunder filled the air. The gate of the wall exploded, revealing another Titan. Smaller, but only muscle and no skin, however covering its body was hard armour.

The soldiers looked on, stunned.

Wall Maria had fallen. 

A/N: I know this is shorter than how much I usually write, I'm sorry. 

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