Graduation Ceremony

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The winter training got over just as quick as it started. There was a week of tests after this one; teamwork, ODM manoeuvring, all of it.
A lot had transpired after spending a month in the cold, away from the human population. Within the span of that month, the commander; Keith Shadis had stepped down, being the only commander in the history of the survey corps to step down willingly (not been killed and eaten). He was to join the Training Corps as an Instructor after your batch of Cadets had graduated.
To your surprise, Captain Erwin was named the new commander, for many reasons; one of which being his incredible tactical genius and immense success at keeping his squad alive.
And so, a week before the graduation, you and Levi were at the armoury, patching up your ODM gear, deep in conversation.
"Only a week left. Are you going to miss this place?" He spoke over the steady creak of you oiling the joints of your gear.
"Maybe.." (Y/N) let out a small chuckle;
"Kind of bittersweet, this. We may never see this place again. I'll admit, I miss it. Not so much the people though", throwing Levi a knowing look.
"Ugh I hoped you'd have stopped with the dumb references... She's joining the scouts too...Anyone else we know joining the scouts?"
"Tom is, and I think Isabel and Furlan, your guys right?" Levi nodded in response.
"Flagon too I guess. Oh and that crazy, what's their name, the one with the funny glasses."
"Hange?" He asked.
"Yes that one!"
"And uh no one else I know of is..." you trailed off, searching your mind for anymore names but to no avail.
"Why would they? It's suicide."
"Hey, that just makes it a more interesting prospect"
"Shut up" was the last thing he said, trying desperately (and failing) to hide the grin now forming on his face.

The door swung open revealing a smiling Erwin Smith.
"Ah (Y/N), just the man I was looking for. I need to have a word with you" and after catching a glimpse of your questioning face, he added "preferably outside".
You shared a quick glance with Levi, before following Erwin outside, him having held the door open for you.
"Yes commander." You posed a quick salute.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that title... Have you made your decision?" He raised one of his eyebrows, making brief eye contact with you before you turned away.

"Yes sir."

"Care to elaborate?"

"I've given it much thought sir; I'm joining the Survey Corps."
This time you answered defiantly, finally pulling your gaze up to meet his.
"What made you change your mind?", he pressed on,

"The military police are nothing but a useless herd of sheep, livestock, feed, sitting up in the capital and fattening themselves up; lording over the common folk. I don't want to be them. I want to achieve something, I want to give my life meaning. I'm sick of trying to fulfil my delusions and I'm tired of living inside these cramped walls, I want to explore the outside world. I want to devote my life to fighting the Titans for humanity sir."

He had a strange look in his eyes, a certain mix of fondness and pride. The look seemed to have brought a shine to his icy blue eyes, his bottom lip quivered ever so slightly, threatening to break into a smile.
"You'll do well." He hesitated,"You reminded me of someone I knew"
"See you at the Ceremony tonight."
And leaving your question unanswered he walked off, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway, leaving you confused and in a mix of emotions.
You trudged back inside, thoroughly lost, to which Levi confronted you, arms folded across his chest.
"Ok spill"
As you relayed the whole conversation to him.

It was dinner time at the mess hall and tensions were running pretty high. All the cadets, who successfully made it out of training alive, were buzzing with excitement, chatting animatedly with their friends, the different paths they could go down. You and Levi sat in a corner; there were only the two of you at the table and it was hopefully out of Petra's sight. The tension was running high, neither of you spoke up, just sitting there in silence. He began drumming his fingers across the edge of the table, and you weren't the better, fidgeting with your palms underneath.
It was about half an hour when some of the Instructors along with the newly installed Keith Shadis stomped up and announced the beginning of the graduation; calling all cadets to the stage.
The mob moved out as one. This was perhaps the last time they would see this place; and even though it was living hell, a certain nostalgia was attached to it. Here it was that many of the cadets made new friends, braved through their struggles together, and brought honour to their families back home.
The TOP ten cadets were announced earlier in the morning, Levi taking first place and you, second. Oluo was amongst the top ten, as well as a few others you only knew by face and not name.
The cadets gathered around the stage, in neat rows as one by one each commander gave a speech: why must one join their particular regiment. Firstly Commander Nile Dok of the MPS, followed by Commander Dot Pyxis of the Garrison. You turned a deaf ear to these two, they were of no use. Finally Erwin spoke. Commander Erwin.
His speech was oddly inspiring, detailing the pain and suffering endured by the scouts, as well as the noble cause they were laying down their lives for.
By the time Erwin ended his speech, the crowd had slimmed down considerably: only one fourth of either the most brave or the most stupid soldiers remained.

"Welcome to the Survey Corps. I look forward to working with you all"
He ended, dispersing the crowd almost immediately after. They were to rest well tonight, tomorrow they will travel to headquarters.

A/N: in this story, Keith Shadis steps down much later (Eren is age 9 at the moment) than shown in the anime.
I count almost 2 chapters until you meet Eren.

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