Whereabouts Of His Left Arm

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Nothing could stop Mikasa as she plunged down to the rotting corpse, through the steam and catching Eren's swaying body. His human body. Not even the loud shouts of (Y/N) and the gasps and yells of the other cadets could prevent her from holding him close. She thought she had lost him once, and she wasn't ready to go through it again. Despite the commands (Y/N) was barking out at her, Mikasa Ackerman held him close to her, pressing her chin in the wedge between his neck and shoulders and wrapping her arms tight around him. She wouldn't let go. She simply couldn't, as bad as it looked like and as hot as his skin was. Her mind was a mess, clouded with uncertainty and a strange feeling of happiness. Eren was alive, and very much alright although how he hid this big of a thing from her; she'd never understand, she thought sadly. Mikasa closed her eyes, shutting herself off from the rest of the world, her breath slowly falling in sync with Eren's as she relived their memories together: from when they were a kid all the way to when they left for the fight. Part of her felt guilty, had she been there, perhaps whatever this was wouldn't had happened to him. His left arm flopped down and Mikasa touched it, gingerly. It had grown back. She pressed her face into the crook of his neck once more, vaguely hearing a heartbeat. It was reassuring to have him back. The pain in her head that had persisted for so long had vanished in an instant.

If she could have stayed this way, she would. Unfortunately for her, a pair of rough arms pulled her out of her embrace and shoved her out of the way. (Y/N) was standing there shielding her and obscuring her vision with his body as he crouched. Members of the garrison were now flooding the area. Mikasa tried to step up towards Eren's body but she was knocked down roughly. (Y/N)'s face grew a shade paler, as he blocked her view, preventing her from reaching Eren. The cadets were being rounded up too and sent away. She looked through them nervously, searching for Armin, only to see him punched back into the crowd by a mean looking garrison soldier. More soldiers flooded the area and she could only watch helplessly as they dragged Eren away, their faces twisted in various states of terror and disgust. She wanted to scream out that he was innocent, that he had protected the rest of them but the words wouldn't leave her mouth. In her heart, Mikasa didn't believe it. Eren had never told her about this ability, nor had he manifested it before. Could he really be a traitor to humanity? And if he lied about this, what else had he lied about? What other secrets could he be harbouring? It hurt her, that he'd never bothered to tell her all this. Another part of her believed that even Eren didn't know what was going on. It was written on his face: he looked like he was lost in a perfect dream. She didn't believe he'd planned all this, nor did she think him a traitor, as so many of the soldiers and cadets whispered about. Still,
She called out. In a desperate attempt to wake him up. It was obvious that the garrison were going to kill him. She couldn't let that happen. She had to do something! Say something! Her mind egged on, but she couldn't find the words, nor did she know what to say. How was she going to convince them that he was innocent, when they had seen him rise out of a Titan's corpse. And how could she know that he was innocent? For all that it was worth, the probability that Eren was a traitor far outweighed that of him being innocent. (Y/N) turned to look at her, his face not showing any fear. Yet she could tell. He didn't trust her. He looked tense, ready to jump into action at any point, staring at her as prey would to a predator. She didn't understand, she was just as confused as he was. Surely (Y/N) didn't think her a traitor as well?

"Did he tell you anything? Anything at all?" He whispered frantically, his voice a mere shadow of its former self.
"No, nothing." She paused, clutching the red scarf around her neck once more, "He saved my life"

"He's a Titan. He's nothing like us...and most certainly not one on our side" (Y/N) responded coldly and Mikasa's heart sunk lower.
The Garrison were working fast. Eren had been bought to another side of the wall and the soldiers were rushing through. Frantic men and women pulling out their rifles, shoving the cadets into line and maintaining order throughout. The cadets were given orders to stand down, many expressing their fear physically. Punches and kicks were thrown to prevent the frazzled crowd from gaining access to the other side of the wall. The cadets were drained, emotionally and physically, and now a new threat had arisen. Faces twisted in fear and worry and exhaustion decorated the crowd. The worst faces to look at were those that belonged to Eren's comrades, the betrayal wrought heavy in their eyes.

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