Eren Jaeger, What Are You?

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The long haired monster roared again. It's mighty voice reverberating through the fallen city. (Y/N), Armin and Mikasa looked on in horror as the Titan held its fists up in a fighting stance, charging and obliterating the Titans. Connie flew, landing harshly on the roof just as the Monster ripped another's head out. He watched the scene, his face twisted in shock, awe and fear as the Titan continued its rampage. To call it a monster would be severely undermining the fear it inspired and the power it held; this giant was no mere monster, it was the devil himself.

"What the hell is that thing" he muttered, not removing his eyes from the gory scene. His voice was cracked and worn, his face pale. Armin was the first to react. He quickly told Connie how the Titan ignored them, and how it only went after the other Titans, his voice shaky and stuttering along the way. Mikasa knelt down, her knees slamming against the tiled roof. She looked in the direction of the Monster, a strange expression on her face. (Y/N) too, was throughly confused. He replayed the scene again and again in his head; the crude, savage manner in which the Titan slaughtered the other; but nothing seemed to add up. This Titan was probably intelligent, was his first conclusion. But that didn't explain why would it kill another of its own kind, completely ignoring the rather ready morsels of flesh around him in the form of Armin, Mikasa and (Y/N).

(Y/N) was the first to wake up from this spell. He drew his blades, the sword cutting through the air and pulled himself into a running stance. It didn't matter what the Titan did for them, it was a monster; it had to be killed. Whether or not it was on their side, they could only guess, but it had to be stopped. Something about the whole situation didn't feel right. Mikasa deftly side-stepped, blocking his path with her shoulder.

"That Titan saved my life" she spoke in a Low hurried voice, barely audible over the loud rumbling of the Titan's footfalls.
"I don't care. It has to be killed" (Y/N) responded, gritting his teeth. Armin hurriedly began un-strapping his gas tanks, his hands fumbling over the bands; (Y/N) stopped, turning his attention onto Armin. The boy pulled out a couple of the extra blades in his gear and threw them on the roof. The metal clanked as the cylinder rolled to a stop in front of Mikasa.
"What are you doing Armin-" she began, but was cut across by the boy's shaky and sniffling voice,
"These are the last of my blades, and my gas tanks." He paused, gazing longingly at the blades before he squeezed his eyes shut, a single tear dropped down. Use them. Get to the Supply Towers..." he reached out for one of the blades, clicking them into place. "I just need, this one... this one blade" he whispered, and then under his breath muttered, "to defend myself, please". (Y/N) looked down at the child, unsure of whether he felt proud or sad at his actions.

Mikasa strapped on the gas tanks, and placed the blades carefully in their holder. Connie yelped in surprised as she slapped the blade out of Armin's hand. It clattered down to the pavement, lost in the debris. Armin's eyes widened, "Why-", he whispered,
"Because you're coming with us" she said definitively, looking up at (Y/N).
"I've got quite a bit of gas in my tanks...let's trade?" (Y/N) offered, not waiting for a response and instead immediately unbuckling a cylinder from his Gear. He tapped it twice and then pushed open the nozzle, the cold substance slowly filling up the other empty cylinder. It took a bit of time, but as soon as he'd filled it half full, leaving a decent amount in his own, he unclamped the nozzle, strapping the cylinders back into his gear at the same speed at which he undid them.

Connie pointed towards the Supply Tower. "It's still overrun by Titans. With the amount of blades and gas we all have, we still might not make it." He observed, a finger pointing towards the horde of Titans climbing up the turret. "And you're still bleeding Sir" he pointed out to the red blood dripping smoothly down the side of (Y/N)'s head. Armin perked up, a newfound glimmer of hope in his eyes, finally snapping out of his dazed and hazy state.

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