chapter 11

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The darkness began to leak away from my mind and the feeling returned to my body. my hand twwitched as i tried to raise it to scratch my nose. Stupid itchy nose.

" Hey... hey I think she's waking up."

My eyes still felt like they were glued shut but I pryed them open anyway.

About two inches in front of my face was a person that was still kind of blurry so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I punched them in the face.


"Woah Jack chill its just me."

I hear some mumbling behind China who I can now identify as Harper.

I'm pretty sure she said some very "polite" words aimed in my general direction.


I slowly sat up from the bed and gently massaged my temples. Why must visions be so painful?

China was about to speak but I quickly shoved my hand over her mouth.
"No talking. Can I have some water?"

At that moment a bottle of water was thrown and whacked me straight in the head.

Thank you Harper. *cough* bitch *cough*

I took a sip of the water then spoke up. "I had another vision."

"It's a snake shifter. His name is Kyle manes and -"

"OOOOO we finally get some hunky meat in our squad!!!!" Harper squealed now seemingly recovered.

I mentally face palmed.

"So it said Boy Man Wolf Snake to start.

China spoke up "so we are looking for a werewolf?"

"Yeah a pack one I think cause the next clue was a single star in the sky glowing. I know of a pack called the starlight pack. Passed by them a few years back so I guess he lives there. I know he is omega aswell."

At this Harper drew in a sharp breath. Even though there is a law against the mistreating of omegas it doesn't stop some packs from abusing them. They are seen as a weaker creature as they are more drawn to cooking and cleaning. Tasks most wolves see as for the weak. An omega is always born but rarely is it hereditory.

China then asked "How far to the starlight pack?"

Thinking for a moment I responded "Maybe a few days away. Its in wyoming.That pack is fairly friendly with the humans as they run a small town ."

I sat up and dragged my hands down my face.

"I really want to just rest for a while so its best we take a plane. But i dont have a passport."

China perked up at this. "My dad has a company plane we can use no need for tickets or passports id just have to call him."

Harper squealed way to loudly for my liking. i guess shes excited.

We orderd some room service as we were all starving then spent the rest of the day lazing about watching tv as Chinia called her dad trying to get us a fflight to wyoming.

The following morning we packed our bags.Well no we packed chinas bags as we never unpacked to begin with and made our way to the car the hotel had waiting to take us to the private air strip.

When we enterd the plane harpers jaw was on the floor. The seats were a white leather with silver trimmings. there were two stewards and then the pilots. this place just screamed rich.

I rose a brow at china who just shrugged and took a seat next to the window.Once harper shook herself out of her daze she darted to the seat opposite china to stare out the window.

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