Chapter 5

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"Bowie if she dies you die." Someone growled out.

I was still encased in darkness but i could still hear everything going on around me.

"I brought her back as fast as i could. I had no idea she was your mate  Rowan. She attacked us!" the person called bowie chocked out.

"She is a HUMAN! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER!  She should have been awake weeks ago!" The same man growled out with even more ferocity.

I felt bad for Bowie. He clearly tried to save me. So Bowie is Beta.

Lets add that to the minute list of things i know about these people. But by the sounds of it he said nothing about my leopard. Thank the moon goddess.

I tried to pry my eyes open but they were glued shut. I wanted to do anything. Move speak blink anything to show i am alive.

I tried just lifting my finger. It felt like there was a brick sat on it.  I had to fight that.

Using all my strength i raised my whole hand a few inches and dropped it. It fell onto some metal and made a clunk.

The room went silent. Well except for that annoying beeping.

"Hey can you hear me?" That same growling voice from earlier said.

I slowly raised my finger. Only slightly but it should be a good enough response. I was so tired it was all i could do.

Two large rough hands grasped mine gently rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

I relaxed as sparks travelled between us. I should have been scared out my wits but i was calm.

Someone was drawing hypnotic circles on my hand. "Someone call the doctor in here now."

There were a few "Yes Alpha" and soon someone was by my side. I felt the air move as they walked. He began to ask loads of questions but they sort of just blurred together.

My heart rate picked up and the man stopped talking. My head slowly stopped spinning and i had a little more strength.

This time my eyelids felt very light so i slowly opened them. The light was blinding so i shut them very quickly. I took a sharp breath in.

The man was no longer holding my hand. I opened my eyes again blinking several times until my eyes adjusted to the light.

The room was white with a brown unoccupied chair in the corner. There were three people in the room with me. All men.

It made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey Jacquelyn I'm Bailey your doctor I'm just going to ask you a few questions."

I wasn't even listening. I was just staring at the other two terrifying men beside me. They could kill me with one punch.

My breathing picked up as i tried to get away from them. They just want to trick me so they can kill me. That is all anyone ever wants to do.

I tried to back away sensing a panic attack rising. My heart was racing as i backed all the way off my bed to the floor. Someone rushed to me but i just screamed. They will kill me.

I have never been good with people. I tried to hide myself in the corner as my breathing became eratic.

People were trying to talk to me but i couldn't hear anyhting. I was crying now and my throat was burning. My head began to feel heavy. I curled into a ball in the corner just wanting them to go away and leave me alone.

I pulled out the tubes stuck to me and tried to run past them my breathing still scarce but was pulled into a tight hold.

I punched and kicked and screamed trying to get away. I kneed him in his sensitive area and i was released so i bolted out of there. I shifted into my leopard before i even left the building hearing shouts and calls for me.

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