Chapter 9

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* 1 week later *

We arrived in bemouth with no more complications thankfully and tonight was when we would be meeting China.

Harper was extatic saying she can have another cool best friend but i was a bit more concerned on how she would take the idea of werewolves existing and her being a fox shifter.

We went shopping to go and grab some appropriate dresses for the ocassion as i had bought tickets for the after party aswell. That is where we will meet her.

Harper dragged me into Forever 21 to pick out a dress. She handed me what felt like a thousand dresses and made me try on each and every one.

They were either and i quote "Too long"

"Too short"

"The colour doesnt mach you eyes"

"We are not old ladies "

"You look like a goose" Yes she actually said that but only becasue i was wearing a white dress coverd in feathers.

She settled on a purple mid-length dress .^

And eventually i agreed on n open back red dress with a silver top.^

I had to admit i looked drop dead gorgeous. We paid for the dresses leaving us with only about five thousand dollars left. We would definately use these again for any other imporant events.

We returned to the hotel room we had booked for two nights and decided to start getting ready. I told Harper we did not need 5 hours to get ready but she argued it was barely enought time.

I sat at the vanity in our room and Harper did my make-up. I told her i did not want makeup but she said that it was law to wear make-up with a dress like mine.

I caved in but specifically said light . I did not want to go looking like i had a bad spray tan.

I'm just glad she listened. I have to admit I looked pretty hot.

"Okay jack stop gawking at yourself I need as long as I can get to fix this ugly mug"
She proceeded to shoo me out of the way and began to apply foundation.

After both agreeing we looked fabulous we made our way to the concert.

You may ask. Jack how do you plan to reveal her as a shifter. If I'm perfectly honest. Not the foggiest idea.

We showed the man at the door our VIP passes and made our way to our front row seats.

There was a lot of screaming and cheering until China finally came onto the stage.

It was incredible! This having been her first performance I was in awe.

Damn China can sing!

"I don't know my name
I don't play by the rules of the game
So you say I'm just trying, just trying

So I heard you are my sister's friend
You get along quite nicely
You ask me why I cut my hair
And changed myself completely

I don't know my name
I don't play by the rules of the game
So you say I'm just trying, just trying

I went from bland and popular
To joining the marching band
I made the closest friends
I'll ever have in my lifetime

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