Chapter 7

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I grabbed a trolley and we began walking round grabbing a few bits of food  when i suttly sniffed the air. There were other wolves here. I sniffed again trying to locate them and i clearly wasn't paying attention as i looked to my left and their stood Harper.

How did i not notice she was a wolf. God i really let my guard down. She grabbed a medium chicken and carried on walking. I took a deep breath to try and relax. She had no intention of hurting me. She was honest. She wanted me to be her friend.

We carried on walking when i smelt another wolf but this one was not Harper. I recognised who it was. I couldn't place it though. I mentally shook my head and we carried on shopping. We picked up about a weeks worth of food and made our way to the register. Harper insisted on paying and no matte rhow i argued she refused to let me spend my money.

She payed and we made our way out of walmart. I turned back but only for a moment. And I spotted Bowie but luckily he hadn't noticed me. I rushed us out a nd we began to walk back to the motel with our bags in hand. It was about mid-afternoon when we got in. I helped Harper unpack all the groceries then we both took a seat infront of the TV. She put on Mortal Engines and we sat there watching it with a bowl of popcorn each.

During the movie i kept glancing over at Harper who kept sniffing with a confused face. When the movie finally finished she turned to me .

"What are you?" Well that was blunt.

"Human. What do you mean?" I said it praying she didn't hear my lies.

"You are not Human.Human's smell like smoke. You smell like rain. What are you?!"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I shouted back at her with a hint of fear to make it believable.

"Don't play dumb. You know what i am. I saw you sniffing me in walmart. What are you?" He was very serious but i almost caught a hint of betrayl but it was quickly masked.

"I don't know if i could trust you to tell you." I twidled my fingers.

"It's not like you could kill me. Trust me. What are you?" She was agitated now but i still felt i could trust her. I mean who would she tell?

I huffed and stood up. I walked into the bathroom and stripped. I shifted and walked out again. Harper jaw was practically dragging on the floor as she approached me. Her hand was held out. SHe moved with extreme caution. I mean I knew that i was abojut the same size as an Alpha werewolf so she had fair reason to be afraid but i won't hurt her.

She ran her fingers through my fur in awe. "H-How?"

I tilted my head in confusion.

"How are you alive?" She petted my head gently. I hopped on to my bed and curled up to show i was not a threat.

She slid beside me and contiously ran her fingers through my coarse fur. I thought the species was extinct.

I ran into the bathroom and shifted back and got dressed.

"I am Jacquelyn Fisher. The last Leopard shifter. I am searching for the remaining shifters of every kind. I was gifted with the ability to find them and return them to their true forms. The moon godess believes it is time for the shifter world to rise again with me as it's queen.

This may all seem a bit crazy but i will be able to prove all of this to you in excatly two weeks. I have discoverd the first shifter i am to save. Her name is China Kingsman and she is the last Fox shifter."

Harper's jaw was on the floor again. I pushed her mouth closed. "Close your trap before you catch flies."

She giggled and closed her mouth. "I'm glad you aren't something like a vampire who could kill me in my sleep."

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