Chapter 6

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I woke up still sat on the cold concrete floor of my cell. I was soaked to the bone meaning it rained during the night.

Celeste said i needed to find these people but how do i do that when i am locked up in here.

The door to my cell opened and stood by the door was Bowie. "Hey jack."

I smiled lightly.

"I am so sorry you are locked up in here but i have and Alpha command to not help you in any way. But it doesn't mean i can't come and check in on you."

I smiled and tried to stand up but only fell back down. "Do i get any food? I haven't eaten in nearly a week."

"Eventually he will let you eat something. I have no idea when though. I am so sorry this happened Jack. " He got up and left.

I glanced over to where he was standing and there was a small peice of meat. I smiled and dragged myself over to it.

I swallowed it down as fast as i could so noone could see it. Once it was gone i fell back to the wall.

It wasn't mch but it should keep me alive.

I closed my eyes again hoping to get some rest.The sound of screams echoed through the halls and i coverd my ears praying it would stop.

It only made me think of what was going to happen to me. I glanced down at my leg that was bleeding and that it had stopped but the wound was still raw. I took a strip of the torn shirt i had and wrapped it around it so as to help it help and to prevent any new infections.

I sat there contemplating how i was supposed to stay alive when there were some rapid footsteps runing down the hall.

I looked to the door as it swung open and stood there was a women maybe in her early fifties. She came in with a black shirt and yoga pants.

"C'mon put these on i need to get you out of here."

I was still really tired so slowly went to grab them. "How are you helping me?"

"I am his mother i don't have to listen to a word he says and i won't let you die down here just because he was in a bad mood. Now get this on we don't have long before the patrol reaches here."

i slid the clothes on as fast as i can which was still very slow and using her for support we made our way out of the cell. We rushed past the cells until i forced us to stop when i saw a broken Anya.


She turned to face me. "Hey hun. I'm glad you are getting out of here... again."

"You have to join us i need to know more."

"My time on this earth is nearing a close and you know everything you need." I cried out as the old queen dragged me out of there.

I was taken out to the border again and she left me by a tree. "You should be ok here for the night."

"Thank you my queen."

"No need for formalities you can call me Wendy."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"No need. Just promise me you won't come back here. I can't fathom what my son will do to you." She placed her hand on my shoulder and i nodded. She ran off shifting so noone would be drawn to my scent.

I was thankful she got me out of there but i had no idea how long it would be before they found me again. I wanted to get up and run but i could barely stand. I slumped against the tree allowing the ice cold breeze to wash over me.

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