Chapter 3

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Everything was dark. My senses remained blank.

Slowly my hearing returned but all i could hear was the dripping of a leaking pipe. The ground beneath me was cold and damp. I tried to look around but my eye lids felt like a ton of bricks.

The weigth was lifted and i opened my eyes imagining needing to see where i was but it was really dark.

I had to use my leopard vision and realised i was in a cell. I jumped up realising i was still in my animal form.

I breathed a sigh of relief and trotted over to the bars. Just as i got close something pulled me back. I looked to my waist and realised i was attached to the wall be a large silver chain.

My memories flooded back to me and i hopped into a defensive stance. Those damn wolves are gonna kill me.

I was now awaiting an impending inescapable death. I lay back down on the floor trying to block out the foul stench of blood and rotting flesh. They really need to clean this place.

I heard the creaking of a door opening and raised my head in alertness. Footsteps approached me and i bared my teeth and backed inot a corner.

I will kill anyone who dares come near me. The door to my cell swung open and the smaller man from the other night approached me.


I just growled at him. Did he honestly think i would do what he asked? Ha he must be dumber than i thought.

He took a step closer so i swiped my elongated claws at him telling him to back off.

He went to grab me but i was too fast and bit down hard on his hand. I refused to let go even after hearing the satisfying sound of his bones braking.

He punched me in the muzzle making me let go of him out of shock. He looked at me again and said "Shift now or you will be forced to by an Alpha command!"

I just scoffed at him. I mean do these people know nothing. A werewolf Alpha voice only effects his own species. Basic knowledge people.

He left abruptly leaving the door open. I took the chance to look out it and get a better idea of my surroundings so i could escape.

I had been caught a few times but due to peoples ignorance i always got away quickly.

I looked to the cell opposite me and inside was a woman probably mid 40's.

"I thought you all died out." I perked my ears up and looked at her. She was talking to me.

"I was there when they were all killed. How are you alive? " My eyes widened. She was there. she could know about my past.

I took a step back and tilted my head to show i was curious.

" The hunter's came and slaughterd the last group of leaopards about 20 years ago. I was there. I helped hide you all. How did you get away?"

I layed down placing my head on my paws. That means i am the last one. How did she know about me, how did she know about them?

My questions were silenced when two sets of foot steps echoed down the tunnel. I backed away to the corner hissing and showing them my canines.

The lady spoke again. "Ha dhaqaaqin" *don't shift*

She spoke my language. I have never met anyone who could understand me.

"Waad hadli kartaa shabeel!" *you speak leopard* She smiled and nodded. When there are stars around speech like this** then they are speaking leopard.

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