Chapter 4

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I leant into the warmth surrounding me seeking much-needed comfort. i opened my eyes to see both the deer still here with me but now there was all manner of creatures. Rabbits hedgehogs a few different types of birds and mice.

Like nature heard my pleas for a family and gave in willingly. I slowly sat up and all te animals looked at me. I could almost see relief in there eyes.

I leant foreward and pet one of the rabbits and it hopped over to my lap. I picked it up embracing it and gently stroking it's back.

I placed it back to the floor and rubbed the side of the stag that allowed me to sleep on him. He guided me to a standing position as i was exhausted from my crying and running yesterday and having not eaten much in the last few days.

I stood up and leaning against the stag i let it take me wherever it wanted me to go. All the other animals were scampering around my feet and i smiled. They were all trusting me.

Normally i would have tried to hunt one of them but they gave me a sense of security. It's a strange feeling. Like.... home.

We walked for around an hour with me ending up carrying the smaller animals as they could not keep up and we had arrived at a large river. It flowed silently and was surrounded by all manner of plants and animals.

I approached slowly expecting them to scatter but the almost welcomed me. I walked to the water drinking from it slowly allowing the cold water to soothe my throat and quench my thirst.

I looked up and saw the animals were all side by side drinking the water and eating the grass. They were not worried about what each person thought of them. If they had a family to love them. They were just glad to be alive.

Looking at them i saw how i don't need anyone to be happy. I sat back and watched as they gallivanted around enjoying the morning sun.

I felt at peace. I was so relaxed around them i took off my clothes and shifted. For the first few minutes they scattered but when i showed i was no threat they all relaxed around me.

The serenity the trees brought was one of those things in life that everyone wants to see but few ever experience it.

I felt as if the world would never change. That was until the most threatening growl i had ever heard echoed through the clearing.

All ears shot up trying to find the source when three werewolves charged into the clearing with the intent of killing the deer. The ones who saved me.

The larger of the three was the same one who attacked me before. Just as he was about to sink his teeth into the stag I launched myself at him tearing him away from the deer. The stag ran into the woods with the other two close behind.

The wolves all snarled at me preparing to kill me but i was not in the mood to die today. One of the wolves jumped at me trying to bit my shoulder but i moved out of the way just in time earning a claw deep into my side.

I hissed in pain and kicked the wolf in the muzzle. We circled as i searched him for weaknesses.

I saw he did not bend his left back leg completely meaning it was stiff so trying to move using it would be slower.

I feigned to his right side then hopped to his left biting hard onto his neck. I felt the metallic blood race into my mouth as i dropped him.

My muzzle was dripping with crimson blood and i raised myself to show i am not afraid and both launched themselves at me.

I dodged the attacks as best i could but the landed some solid bites and scratches. Time to end this. i jumped on to the smaller ones back and dug my claws in deep. It tried to buck me off and the other one was ripping out flesh from my leg.

I was losing alot of blood very fast. I latched onto the wolves neck and pulled removing a chunk from the back.

He fell to the ground convulsing and i turned to the larger one. Based off the power coming from him he was a beta so i can't kill him. I made myself look weaker than i was by stumbling a bit with my steps. He pulled a wolfy grin and lunged at my side.

I whipped my body to the side latching myself onto his muzzle. I locked my jaw in place and tosse him around while he clawed my front paws. I tossed his head into a tree and heard a runch as he fell unconscious. I checked on the other wolves licking their wounds to make sure they heal. The first one i fought was conscious but not moving. He watched as i gently licked his worst wounds.

My saliva would speed up the healing a bit so at least i wont be a murderer.

I tried to run off but stumbled a bit due to being weak. I collapsed to the ground as my own blood began to pool around me.

That same first wolf had shifted now and ran over to me.

"Hey... girl don't worry you'll be ok."

He tried to press on my wound and i screamed in pain and it came out as a roar. He flinched slightly then the other wolf came and pinned my head.

I tried to bite his hand but i was getting to weak.I whimperd as he pressed hard onto my side where a very deep claw mark was. It was pouring more blood than i knew i had in me.

"She is bleeding out what do i do?!"

"Let her lick her wounds. It healed mine almost completely."

The pressure was taken off of my neck and i went to lift my head but i didn't have the strength. I whimperd softly wanting to escape these wolves but i didn't want to die.

The beta lifted my head to my side as i gently licked my side. The bleeding had now stopped but i still felt really dizzy.

"You need to shift little one or our doctors can't help you." why would they want to help me. First they attacked me then locked me in a cell to die.

The beta had now picked me up and i was crying due to the pain. He was running back into the white night territory as i screamed and hissed trying to escape his iron grasp.

My energy gave out and i went limp in his arms.

"Stay with me c'mon." I didnt even have the energy to stop myself from becoming human.My bones cracked as i returned to my human form.

"Shit it's her she can't die Rowan will kill us!"

He ran so fast the trees were now a blur, in fact, everything was a blur. My eyes were begging to be given some rest.

"Don't fall asleep just listen to me ok. Your gonna be alright." My eyes were closing on their own as i whispered " Jacquelyn..."

The darkness stole me.

I think people were shouting but i didn't know i could hear voices but no words. The sound faded away until all that was left was the slowing of my beating heart.










Hey everyone, I know what you are thinking but don't worry cause it ain't over till it's over.

Why do you think these guys don't want her to die after she attacked them?

Have you ever felt so calm like jack was at the beginning?

Remember to vote and leave some feedback if you can.

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