Chapter 2

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I woke the next morning with the faint light of an early sun shining down on me. I felt around for my bag and realised i left it behind.

Great now i have no money. Thankfully it was the weekend so there will be plenty of opportunities to get some. I hate stealing from people but i didn't have any other choice as to get a job i need a house and well you can see the issue there. As you have probably guessed i don't go to school every day as I don't always feel safe going in. I make sure to catch up on forgotten work though.

I crept down the tree quietly hoping to go unnoticed. I reached the bottom listening for the sound of footsteps but heard none.

I let out a breath i didn't know i was holding and went into town. I went to the mall in no man's land as there would be fewer wolves there.

I was pretty crowded today so as i walked past people i managed to grab about six wallets going undetected.

I slid them in my hoodie pocket and walked out of the mall to see my findings.

After going through each one i had $132.50 plus a starbucks gift card. MMMM. I could really use a good caramel cocoa cluster frappichino.

I made my way to the nearest starbucks and orderd my coffee. As i made my way out the store i smelt that amazing vanilla pine leaves smell again. I stopped for a moment allowing the delicious smell to ensnare my senses.

It was hypnotising. Like a drug i could never get enough of. I looked around searching for the source of the smell and i became trapped in a pair of chocolate brown eyes. He had a well-chiselled chin and perfect brown scruffy hair.

It was as if the moon goddess carved herself a god and sent him down to earth. We stared into each other's eyes for an eternity until i realised who he was.

The man from last night trying to capture me. He took a sharp step forward but i took the same back. He looked hurt and i felt it but i would not let anyone get close to me. I knew better.

Before another breath could be shared i tore myself from his deadly gaze and made a run for it.

I ran down the streets barging past everyone trying to get away. I could here his shouts but i didn't want them to lull me to sleep so i blocked it out.

My leopard was begging to be let out so she could go to him but i knew i would be safer away from him. As soon as i enterd the treeline i shifted and ran. I pray to god he didn't see.

My clothes were shredded and the money was dropped but i had to get away. I roared out and ran through the woods hearing the thundering of paws behind me. There were maybe 10 people chasing after me.

If even one of them sees me i'm as good as dead.I ran to a clearing that backed up to a lake and dived in after taking a huge breath.

I can't stay under forever but i can't let them see me.Urgh i did not think this through. I swam as far as i could in my leopard form to the bank when i saw a cave. I really hope it has an air pocket.

I heard the wolves all diving in the water after me but it as so murky i know they wont see me. They may see my movements but the wont be able to distinguish a proper outline.

My lungs were burning as i swam deeper into the cave until i saw an air pocket. I shot up gasping for air. The wolves would have surfaced now as they will not have the ability to hole there breath for long.

I know that they will stay until i surface but ill be safe here.

I ducked back under and swam further into the cave. The water grew shallow and eventually i could walk out of it. I was in a tunnel of sorts.

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