Chapter 12

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Jaquelyn's POV

Another long drive with way to much complaining form Harper if you ask me and we made it to the border of Starlight Pack. An invisible wall seperated us from the pack. One step closer to restoring the snake shifters to their former glory.

We payed the driver then waited for him to drive off before we procceeded with anything with supernatural origins.

With our bags on our backs we made our way into the woods by the side of the road. Harper shifted into her wolf and howled at the border in a way as to request an audience with someone in power.

No more than 3 minutes had passed when the sound of thundering paws approached us. A group of 5 wolves approached us all with teeth bared.The one leading the group had the aura of a Beta. The rest seemed to be warriors.

One by one they shifted until all stood before us naked as the day they were born.

Being stood behind the girls i cupped my hands in a cone and shouted " PUT SOME SHORTS ON!"

Harper cackled a bit in her wolf form. Sounded a bit like she was choking. I rubbed Chinas shoulder to reassure her our friend was not dying.

I took a step foreward and spoke "We request entrance to your pack in order to find someone. A man by the name of kyle manes."

The Beta raised his eyebrow then spoke up " Though i do not understand you and your friends scent I sense no danger from you but you will be permitted entrance but you must be gone by tomorrow morning. ON of my warriors will be with you at all times. If at any piont we see a source of malice or threat to our pack you all will be placed in the pack prison to await judgement."

I nodded my head in acceptance of his terms. Crossing the border felt like walking through a shop door and getting a gust of cold air blown straight onto you. At least for the shifter community it did.

China grabbed harper's bags and we made our way into uncharted territory in search of Kyle manes.

I looked next to us and there stood thee warrior left to watch over us like a baby sitter with a very stoic face.

As we moved further into the territory i saw China move close to Mr grump. (Yes that is what i called him. I mean you would if you saw his face.)

She jabbed his arm and he made no move to respond. She prodded him in the side and he didnt even flinch. She proceeded to poke him everywhere she could reach. Arm , leg, shoulder ,neck ,face, finger, knees, chest ,hair, hip.

By now the man looked ready to burst. the vein in his neck was buldging and and his fists were clenched.

I was trying my best to stifle a laugh and so was Harrper who had now shifted back. Finally the guy snapped  "WILL YOU STOP FREAKING POKING ME!!!!"

China's hand fell to her side. I turned to face Mr Grump and asked "So where would we find this Kyle manes?"

Just as the guy went to answere a finger approached his nose.He went silent glaring at it almost daringly. Ever so slowly it inched closer then when it touched his nose China whisperd "Boop..."

That was it for me as i could not control myself anymore and burst out laughing. I was practically falling to the floor gasping for breath while holding my stomach. It was too funny.

When I finally calmed enough to look up Mr grump looked at China and said " Boop."

I looked to China to see his finger on her nose. There was a small smile on his face aswell as hers.

AWWWWWW!!!!! SO SWEET!!!! I think I have a cavity.

I glanced at Harper who made a gagging sign. I just huffed and shook my head at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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