Chapter 8

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We remained at the house for three days. This gave us time for me to heal and to learn more about eachother. I had learned that Harper was born a rogue but hated the violence and pack life so went out on her own as a lone wolf.

I told her all about my time at the white night pack but left out the part about the Alpha King being my mate. She was surprised to the fact the former queen helped me escape.

We left a note thanking the warrior and the queen for their hospitality and their kindness.

Following their directions we made our way to the main highway. We agreed that we wanted to get there a few days early so our best et was to try and hitchhike as much as possible.

Most would be terrified of getting into a strangers car but we can hold our own in a fight so we can keep eachother safe.

we had been walking down the hard shoulder for around three hours when a kind family picked us up. There was a mother and father with the most adorale three year old son.We slid in with our bags and gave them money for feul.

The agreed to take us to the washington state border. That will take about half a day by car so around 3 days on foot.

"I'm Jack an this is Harper." The mother turned around from the passenger seat.

"I'm Diedre and this is my husband mike and our son Alec." I shook her outstreched hand and ruffled Alec's hair.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while until Alec was complaining about being hungry.

"Alec give us about ten minutes and we can grab some food while we get gas ok?"

Alec nodded and slumped down into his car seat. To help pass the time i played some well-known child friendly music.Everyone else was singing along and having a great time.

Slowly i tuned out their voices and began to sing aswell. The words flowed from my lips like water in a river. Shaping endless melodies beyond meaning. The music surrounded me like a blanket incasing in its harmonious somber.My body and mind becoming insnared in a trance from which i did not want to escape.

As the song came to a close i reconected with my surroundings to see everyone staring at me speechless their eyes bursting in wonder.

"What?" They remianed silent their mlouths open wide. Harper was smiling knowingly as she understood their shock.

Diedre spoke up "Where did you learn to sing like that?!"

I shrugged. "Nowhere i just sing. I just blend in to the music and sing my heart out."

"It was beautiful and i am glad for it to have graced my ears." I was definately blushing now. I remained silent enjoying their company until we stopped for gas.

I got out to stretch my legs and grab some food. I made my way into the gas station and got myself a bag of gummy worms and a BLT sandwich. I desperately needed to pee but not in that skanky toilet. Hell no!

I ran into the woods and did my buisness. I returned and waited by the car for the others to return. After another half an hour we were back on the road again.

I leaned against the window and closed my eyes trying to calm my mind. My life has done a complete switch thee past few weeks.

The Alpha king said i was his mate. People discoverd there is still a leopard shifter and that i am her. I had to stop school. The moon goddess gave me a purpose. I learned the other shifters are out there. There is a tiger shifter. I got my first best friend. I am not alone anymore.

I must have fallen asleep as the next thing i knew i was being shaken awake. I drowsily opened my eyes to see Harper inches from my face. I jumped in surprise head-butting her in the nose. She backed off holding her nose.

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