3~ Spring Day

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Shin Yoora POV (Y/N)

After what happened last night, I am feeling nice and confident that Jungkook will do great at the audition.

After all, he has the whole package! I really hope that the judges will like him.

I made sure to wake up on time today so that I could eat breakfast.

I put on my usual, baggy pants and a shirt. Dirty sneakers and all.

I brushed my teeth, put my hair into a bun & walked down the steps.

"Hey mom, good morning." I said.

"Good morning! I wish I could stay, but I really have to get going! I have a very important meeting that I need to attend!"

"Oh, well... when do you have to be there?" I asked.

My mom checked her watch, "Mmm about right now!" She said as she grabbed her stuff and ran out the door.

"I made you four pop tarts, bye-!"

"Thanks mom! Bye!" I laughed.

As I watched my mom leave, a familiar face entered the doorway.

"Hey Yoorashi." Jungkook said.

"Hey JK!" I said hugging him.

He quickly pulled me off of him, "Ooo are those pop tarts I smell? Nice!"

I rolled my eyes.

"So did chu finoush all your homework?" Jungkook asked while chewing his tart. He then pulled out his math homework.

I pulled mine out too, "Yah! I thought you were supposed to do one through five and I did six through ten!?"

"Well, you usually do the whole paper, so I thought you might have them all done" he shrugged.

As I shook my head I quickly wrote down the answers.

I stuffed the last pop tart into my mouth, "Okay Jungkook lets go!"

Author POV

The two walked out of Yoora's house, now on their way to school.

The beautiful spring scenery covered the whole neighborhood.

"Woah, did all of this happen over night?" Yoora asked.

"Mm, no. We were just in such a hurry to leave yesterday that we didn't really notice our surroundings haha."

"I guess so."

Yoora thought back to yesterday. About how awkward it was. She wondered if Jungkook was thinking about it too.

Jungkook POV

I could tell that Yoora was thinking back to yesterday. I wanted to lighten the mood.

"So, with the audition, are you sure you can come?"

"Yeah Jungkook! Of course! I would never want to miss it!"

"Phew, okay, great. I really want you to be there."

Yoora laughed, "Yeah."

All of a sudden I remembered how soon the audition was, so I started to dance on the sidewalk.

"Haha! Jungkook stop, everyone is watching!"

"And since when do you care about what other people think? By the way, this is my routine for the audition."

Yoora stopped walking.

"Huh? That is it? JK I know you know more about dancing than me, but you need something...MORE!"

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