십팔~ Make It Right

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Jungkook POV

Yoora hasn't come out yet.

Did she even follow me out here?

Maybe she followed me and got lost?

No, that can't be it. She knows this building like the back of her hand.

The one Jimin kissed that is.

I'm so sick of him at this point.

Even if he was just trying to make me jealous, he's gone too far.

But I can't say it didn't work.

When I get back to our hotel, I'm going to have a serious talk with him.

Oo he's lucky we aren't sharing the same room, and that I'm bunking with Taehyung.

So lucky.

"..What are you talking about? Wait, you seem mad. Is everything okay? Why'd you call me out here?" Yoora appeared.

"Oh um, sorry. I'm not mad, well I am but, not at you, it's just that J— anyway um..." I was stuttering. What a great time to stutter Jungkook.

I couldn't help but look at Yoora.

"You look great." I said.

After looking at each other I finally snapped out of it and decided to tell her why I wanted to see her.

"Right, why'd I call you out here, well, I wanted to apologize. Again."

Author POV

Yoora sighed.

"Go ahead."

With the dim of night, Jungkook grabbed Yoora's hand and communicated a long desired apology. A sincere one.

"Yoora, I'm truly sorry for what I put you through. I know you've heard this before, but I don't want you to define me off of the old me. I've changed, and I know the change wasn't jurassic, but it happened."

"Yoora, when you left me, at your door that night. I thought it was over. I know we weren't even a thing to begin with. And although it wasn't the first time I thought it was over between us, this time felt different. My respect for you has been growing and growing. With how strong you are, how you handle yourself, and how you don't let me get in between you and your job. When I found out that you moved on, let alone ended up getting kicked out, I felt horrible. I felt like it was my fault, and I should've been there. I beat myself up for that."

Yoora wiped a tear from her face.

"But the truth is, I've always liked you. And I can't stand to see you..without me. It hurt to not have a mom, but it hurt even more to lose my best friend. You've always been there for me. Always. But I chose power over you."

"My transition from a normal, shy boy to a famous, greedy, boy in a band happened too fast. I let the title get to me. When I should've laid back and let life handle it. Look, you don't have to accept my apology, or accept me. But, I'm sorry, Yoora. Really."

Yoora burst into tears.

"Whats wrong?" Jungkook asked.

Still, Yoora kept crying.

He slowly walked towards her and hugged her.

"Why weren't you there for me? You left me all alone, with him! You let him do that to me! You were a even bigger monster than he is!"

"Woah Yoora, what?!"

"I'll never be the same! He did things to me. Things I didn't like, things I didn't want to do."

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