Chapter 21- So what?

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This song got me shook. He really can sing.

Warning: Mature themes and language, and violence.

Guys I'm running out of songs here I need suggestions. I also need suggestions for the story.


"Honey! I'm home!" I walk into the DEO headquarters arms raised and a smile on my face. Kara turns around with a huge smile on her face. "Nicky!" She runs up shooting her arms out for a hug. Her arms lift me off the ground with a tight, breathtaking hug. "Kara.. I can't.. Breathe." She puts me back down on the ground "Sorry I'm just really happy to see you." Wanda stands next to me glaring with her arms crossed. I was really digging the whole jealous girlfriend thing, it was hot. "Oh Kara this is my lovely girlfriend Wanda." She takes an excited step towards Wanda grinning widely. Wanda sticks her hand out to be shaken, but Kara ignores it wrapping her arms around her for a tight friendly hug. "Oh okay this is nice." I give her an approving smile, leading her to hug Kara back. Kara backs away "Sorry I love meeting new people. I'm Kara Zor-El, known nationally as Supergirl, known locally as Kara Danvers." Wanda gives her an awkward smile. "It's great to meet you. I'm Wanda Maximoff, big fan of you and your cousin." Kara's smile grows wider and she looks at me "I like her." I nod "Yeah I like her too." Wanda scratches the back of my head "Don't lie. You love me." I roll my eyes making her and Kara start giggling. "Whatever. Anyways, Kara, Wanda here loves food almost as much as you do." Kara's eyes light up as she turns to Wanda "You're my new best friend." Wanda giggles. I clap my hands together and begin walking away "Well you two have fun deciding what to eat. I'm gonna go say hi to your sister." They wave me off and I begin my walk down to the training room where I knew I would find her.

"Danvers!" She stops her punch mid air, and turns around. Her eyes lit up when they saw me "Rogers!" She walks to me dropping her gloves on the ground as she runs to me. I pull her into a tight hug "I missed you Danvers." She takes a dee breath "We all missed you Rogers. Lena's in my lab working on some things for Kara, but I know she would love to see you." I nod "Yeah I just stopped by to say hi before going down there. But I'll let you get back to it!" She nods putting her gloves on "We're hanging out later." I open my mouth to protest but she stops me "Unh-uhh we haven't hung out in over a year! We're going out while you're here end of discussion." I sigh and nod in defeat and leave the room to let her continue.

I knock on the door frame to the lab. Lena moves her head up to see who is standing before her. "Nicole..." I shove my hands down into my pockets "Lena..." She sets down her equipment. Her arms cross as she begins her walk toward me "You're here to help?" I nod waiting for another question "Well that'll be a first." I scoff "Don't be like that." She raises her eyebrows letting her voice raise with them "Be like what Nicole?" I push my arms to emphasize my statement "A bitch Lena!" She nods in disbelief "So I'm just supposed to forget everything that happened?!" An agent stands by the door, not alerting either of us to his presence. "I get that you're still angry at me for lying to you, but don't stand there and act as if you didn't hurt me just as bad!" She scoffs "All I wanted to do was hurt you the way you hurt me!" I point an accusing finger at her "I lied to protect all of you! If Hydra ever found out that you knew who I really was, you would all be dead right now." Her eyebrows raised in disbelief "You knew we could protect ourselves, but you still did it. Not for us, but for you. Because you were too scared to let anyone get close. Kara may have forgiven you quick, but it's going to take me a hell of a lot longer." I clench my jaw "Kara didn't hate me for wanting to protect her. I needed you Lena! My best friend! I was hurting, and I needed you. But instead you decided to hurt me every chance you got." She clenches her jaw to stay quiet "I came her with the hopes that I would have my best friend back, but I see that you just want to hurt me more. So I'll stay out of your way." She opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off by walking away.

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