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I woke up the next morning to someone knocking on the door. I also felt somebody laying beside me with their arm draped over me. I turned to see that it was Michael. The memories of the previous night came flooding back, and I smiled just thinking about them.

The knocking on the door persisted, and I got up to see who it was that wanted my attention at 8:30 in the morning. I was not a morning person. At all. I was usually quite crabby when it came to any time before noon.

I pried myself away from Michael's grip on my torso and trudged to the door.

I squinted from the sudden brightness that occurred upon my opening of the door.

It was Luke.

"Good morning." Luke said cheerfully.

"Good morning." I said back. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were up and wanted to go out to breakfast with me." He flashed his award winning smile.

"Um," I tried to think of an excuse considering that I had Michael asleep on my couch.

"Alyx?" Michael's voice echoed from the living room.

Shit. I thought.

"Who's that?" Luke questioned.

"Um, nobody. It's nobody." I replied quickly. I wanted so badly to shut the door in his face.

"Alyx?" Michael asked again, this time from a closer a distance.

Within seconds Michael was in Luke's view.

"Ah, shit." Michael whispered.

"What the hell is he doing here!?" Luke was glaring at me. I could see the anger flaring in his eyes.

"Luke, don't get angry. It was nothing. Nothing happened." I spoke nervously seeing now that Luke's gaze had moved to Michael's.

"I told you to stay away from him! He's not good for you! And besides, what about us!?" Luke was enraged. He was always so calm. I never imagined that he could get this angry.

"What about us?" I started. "We're not even together! And you're not the boss of me anyways. I can do whatever I want." I tried not to raise my voice.

"Listen to the lady, Lucas." Michael snickered from behind me.

"Not now, Michael." I said sharply.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, is all! I really like you, Alyx. I actually was going to ask you to be my girlfriend today..." Luke's voice became soft on the last sentence.

Michael let out a sarcastic laugh. "What about Lydia, Luke?"

I looked from Michael to Luke and back again to Michael with a confused look on my face.

"Oh, you didn't tell her, Luke?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Michael..." Luke said through gritted teeth.

"Well, you see here, Alyx. The thing is, Luke has a girlfriend already." Michael said looking at me. Then he switched his attention back to Luke. "How long have you two been together now? Six months? Is that right, Luke?"

"Luke," I asked, "is that true?" I could feel tears brimming behind my eyes.

"Um, yeah, it is..." Luke said softly, looking at the ground.

I was on the verge of crying because the boy who I thought was the sweetest, most innocent boy on the planet had been playing with me. "You should go." I said to Luke, not having the confidence to look him in the eyes.

Luke walked out the door without saying another word.


Anybody see that one coming???

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