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Emily took a deep breath. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. The door opened and her brother burst in, a massive smile on his face. He grabbed her and pulled her into a big bear hug.

"Joel!" she exclaimed, trying not to laugh. "Put me down!"

"I just heard the news!" he said, finally letting her go. "I am so happy you decided to stay. You should have told me you were coming. I'd have given you a lift."

"I wanted to surprise you," she laughed. "Plus, I'd rather have my car with me in case I need to make a quick getaway." She paused. "Have you seen him lately?"

The 'Him' in question was 4 time Formula 1 World Champion, Sebastian Vettel. Emily's ex and the love of her life. Things hadn't ended well the last time they had seen each other. It had been two months now and Emily was just starting to rebuild her life.

Her heart was still in pieces and she knew a part of her would always love him, but he'd made it clear that she meant nothing to him, and she never had.

She hadn't believed that at first but the longer the silence from him, the more she had to accept the truth.

Charles Leclerc had been right all along. Seb had just been using her.

He'd said so himself the last time she'd seen him. He'd been walking out on her after taking her roughly up against the hotel room wall.

She couldn't blame him for being mad. She'd walked out without telling anyone where she was going, but she had never thought for one minute that her actions would destroy everything they'd ever had together.

She wondered if Otmar had told him that she was going to be staying on as his race strategist. She'd thought about leaving, but there were no job openings in Formula 1, other than at Brooke, the new team. And she would rather stick needles in her eyes than work for Chris Armitage.

Chris was another one of her exes. He was the father of the baby boy she had lost. He was also a prick. He had ruined her life in more ways than one and she was going to be staying well out of his way.

The door opened again and a lively blonde rushed in.

"Emily! Oh my God, what have you done to your hair? I love it!!"

"Hi Kara. Thanks, I fancied a change," Emily said, running her fingers through her shoulder length hair. She'd had a couple of inches took off of it and instead of her natural dark brown hair, it was now a deep red colour.

The door opened for a third time and a tall, lanky, dark-haired man walked in.

"Emily!!" he said, hugging her.

"Hey Harry, how are you? Long time, no see."

"I'm really good thanks. How are you?"he asked, concerned. He saw himself as another brother to Emily and worried about her.

"I'm getting there. It's been hard, I won't lie, but I'm determined that this isn't going to define me. I'm a fighter. I've got through worse."

They were all silent for a minute, thinking about Jacob. Emily had finally told Kara and Harry about her lost son on New Year's Day. They'd all cried together and Emily wished she'd told them sooner as it had actually helped her.

"Oh, did you tell her the news Kara?" Harry said, excitedly, breaking the silence.

"Tell me what?" Emily asked, curiously.

"No, I hadn't had the chance yet dumbhead." Emily laughed. "Emily. We finally did it. Harry and I, we're official!" Emily squealed and threw her arms around the pair of them.

"Oh my God. I am so happy for you both. It's about time!"

The door opened again. Everyone seemed to want this meeting room. She froze as she recognised the familiar face.

"Sorry guys, I'm just looking for a free room. I need to go through some stuff with Seb."

"I think room 1 is empty Antti," Emily said.

Antti suddenly looked at her.

"Emily? I am so sorry. I didn't recognise you with red hair. Wow, it suits you."

"Thanks Antti. Just fancied a change. New season. New me."

"Oh well, nice to see you. I'd better get back before his Lordship comes looking."

Antti closed the door behind him.

"So, he's here then," Emily stated.

"Yeah," said Kara, sheepishly. "I didnt know how to tell you. I don't want to upset you Emily."

"I've got to get used to being around him Kara. I'm his strategist. We are going to be spending a lot of time together."

"I just thought.... I'm sorry, you're right. He's here today and tomorrow."

Emily breathed in deeply, then released it.

"I guess the sooner I get it over with the better," she proclaimed. She picked her bag up off of the table. "Come on, let's go and get a cuppa in the canteen."

They all trooped out of the meeting room and into the canteen next door. It was virtually empty.

Joel went up to the counter and ordered their usuals. He came back shortly, carrying a tray with their drinks on.

"OK, so that's white tea, no sugar for you Kara. Black coffee, 2 sugars for you Harry. Tea with milk and 2, that's mine. So this must be white coffee with 1, Emily here you go."

They carried on chatting about what they'd been up to. Joel popped back up to the counter and returned with an apple and an orange.

"Want one sis?"

"Oh go on then, I'll have the orange." He chucked it to her.

She started peeling it and dividing it into segments.

"So have you asked Demi out yet or not?" she asked Joel. Harry and Kara started laughing.

"Of course he hasn't, he's a pussy," laughed Harry.

"I will. One day. Maybe," he laughed.

The double doors at the end of the canteen opened and Emily froze as she saw the familiar blonde German enter the room.

He wasn't looking her way. Maybe he'd pass through without seeing her. It looked that way up until the point when Joel and Harry started behaving like children and throwing Emily's orange peel at each other.

Harry shouted out as Joel hit him right in the face. Seb turned his head to see what the all the commotion was about.

Their eyes locked. It was as if time had stood still. He was as handsome as Emily remembered. She held her breath, wondering if she should acknowledge him or not. He had a half smile on his face. Her eyes travelled over his body. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a plain white tshirt. His hair was cropped quite short and he had a few days worth of stubble. He looked delicious.

He looked like he was going to say something to her but then he turned and carried on walking through the canteen and out the other side.

Well, he knew she was still here now, for sure.

"Emily..."began Joel.

"Just leave it Joel. I'm OK. I'm strong. I can do this."

"I know you can. I believe in you."

Emily was acting all tough on the outside but inside she was a mess, because seeing him had confirmed something in her mind. She was still very much deeply and madly in love with Sebastian Vettel.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now