10. Recovery

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Seb brushed the hair off of Emily's face as she slept.  He didn't want to wake her. She had barely slept the last couple of days.

He'd finally been able to persuade her to spend the night away from Joel's bedside and come back to the hotel he'd booked them into.

Joel was in a stable condition but was still in intensive care. The doctors were pretty sure he would pull through but that didn't stop Emily from worrying. Seb had been on hand to give her everything she needed. To make sure she ate, drank and slept. He was there to hug her when she needed it.

He was worried about what would happen when he had to leave for Monte Carlo the next day.  Niall was going to be taking  over from Emily until further notice.  Her place was by Joel's side. Work came second.

Seb didn't want to leave her. He'd actually brought up the prospect of missing a race and letting the reserve driver step in but Emily had been adamant that he had to  drive, telling  him he had a world championship to win and she hadn't slogged her guts out on strategies for him to throw it away when she was perfectly capable of looking after herself.

He curled up on the sofa and shut his eyes, trying to get a few hours himself.  He wasn't going to presume anything  about his and Emily's relationship so he didn't share the bed with her. That wasn't what this was about. This was him being there for her when she needed him.

He must have dropped off because the next time he opened his eyes the sunlight was shining through the gap in the curtains.  Emily was sat on the end of the bed watching him.   She'd obviously had a shower as her hair was wet  and she was wearing clean clothes.

"Hey," he said softly, looking at her.

"Hey. You looked peaceful. I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, not at all. Are you ok?  Did you sleep well? Any news from the hospital?"

"I called, they said his sats are improving. I'm just getting ready to head back in."

"Do you want me to come with you?" he asked.

"I'd like that, if you don't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. I worry about him too. Not like you do obviously but I do think a lot of him. And I worry about you."

"I'm OK Seb. Now I know he's going to pull through. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me."

"Sweetheart, you're very welcome.  I just wish you had someone with you while I'm away. I'll be straight back Sunday night. The hotel is booked for as long as you need it. And don't even think of offering to pay me back. It's the least I can do."

"How did you know I was going to offer?"

"Because I know you."  She gave a little chuckle. "Anyway, I'll  go and get dressed so we can get a move on and see this brother of yours."

She smiled and stood up. Seb also stood. She walked up to him and put her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He slipped his arms around her and hugged her back.

Finally they let go of each other and started to make a move.

Emily had a shock when she entered Joel's room and found him sat up drinking a cup of tea.
"Joel,' she cried out and ran to his side, sobbing with relief.

"Hey Ems, don't cry, I'm OK."

"I thought I'd lost you. And now all I want to do is hug you but I don't want to hurt you."

"Come here," he said, patting the edge of his bed.  She perched on it and he put his arm around her.   He noticed Seb stood by the door.
"Hey Seb, how you doing?"

"Hey Joel, better now I see you're awake. We've been worried sick. How are you feeling?"

"I hurt like hell but they said there's no permanent damage, just a nice scar as a permanent reminder."

"You were lucky. I'm just glad they caught the little bastard that did it."

"They did? I didn't know."

"Yeah," said Emily. "It was caught on CCTV and one of his friends ratted him out."

"I expect the police will be in to talk to you soon," Seb added. "I have to leave tomorrow for Monaco but Emily's booked into a hotel nearby so she'll be here all the time."

"Take her with you, she'll be fussing too much," Joel joked. 

Emily lay her head on his shoulder. "I love you Joel. Don't ever do that to me again!"

"I'm going to go and get a tea. Coffee Emily?" Seb said.  She nodded.

After Seb had left the room Joel started questioning her.

"So, Seb eh? Pretty sure he wasn't on our night out. Emily, are you back together?"

"Lance called him. He knew I'd need him. He's been amazing Joel.  He's looked after me. Made sure I was eating properly. Booked a hotel. Just been here every second of every day."  She paused. "But no. We are not back together. This has been about you, not us. Maybe once you are better we will have to talk.  For now, you are my priority."

"Emily, snap that man up. He's a keeper."

"I love him Joel.  Things are still not clear in my head, but that's one thing I do know."

"Life's too short sis. I've realised that now after my brush with death.  When I'm out of here I'm going to ask Demi out. Why waste any more time?"

"She's been frantic. She's been on the phone several times a day asking how you are? Harry too. I'm so happy I have some good news to report to them today."

Joel smiled. He felt like shit but he was happy that Emily and Seb seemed to have taken a step closer together.  Maybe soon they'd be back where they belonged.  Together.

After leaving the hospital that evening Seb managed to persuade Emily to stop off and have a bite to eat on the way back.

Arriving back at the hotel he made sure his bag was ready for morning. Antti was making sure to take anything he needed to Monaco so he didn't have to go back to Switzerland first.

Emily came out of the bathroom wearing her pyjamas and climbed into bed. Seb went and brushed  his teeth. He stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt.

Heading back in to the bedroom he made his bed up on the sofa. He was just about to lie down when Emily called his name.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"You don't have to sleep there. Hold me?"

She didn't have to ask him twice. He climbed into the bed and took her in his arms. It felt so long since he had laid in a bed with her. She rested her head on his chest and lay a hand on his stomach. He stroked his hand up and down her back.

They didn't talk, they didn't have to to.  Her breathing slower and Seb realised she had fallen asleep.   He lay there for a while just enjoying the feel of her in his arms. It's where she belonged. He hoped she would soon be back there for good.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now