34. Slipping Through His Fingers

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Seb sleepily rolled over to snuggle up to Emily. His arm found nothing but an empty space. Then he remembered. He was still in the dog house. She was barely talking to him and she had managed to get her own room booked here in Brazil.

He could hardly blame her. He had fucked up yet again, but he felt hurt by her behaviour towards him. She said she believed him, yet wouldn't even let him touch her. He couldn't wait for this race weekend to be over. They were flying home to Switzerland and they could actually talk properly and sort this mess out.

The media weren't helping. They were all reporting on this stupid bullshit story. He just didn't get why Talia was making up these lies. Why was she trying to wreck his marriage?

He got up out of bed. He had to get ready. It was race day and he had to get a decent result. The championship was so tight. He had a slim three point lead, and just nine points covered the top four. This was the closest fought championship in many a year.

There was a knock on the door. He opened it and found Antti stood there.

"Come on boss, get a move on. Shit, you look rough. Lost your razor?"

"Thanks Antti. Just can't be bothered. I have more important things to think about than my facial hair."

"Is she still not talking to you?"

Seb shrugged. "She's not ignoring me, but she's not exactly talking to me. She won't talk about what happened. I just want it all sorted out, but how can we sort it when she won't talk about it?"

"She'll come round Seb. You just need to give her time."

"I just don't get why this is happening Antti. Why now? Everything was perfect. The wedding, the baby. Now, everything is crumbling and slipping through my fingers."

"I don't know Seb. But I do know you love each other. You will come through this. Now come on. Get yourself ready. I'll meet you in the lobby."

Seb nodded and smiled weakly. He had to get some good points. If he didn't this championship would begin to slip away from him too. He had to get his head together.

Emily pulled her headset off and sighed. That hadn't been the best of races. Seb had been lucky to finish in third. He'd started from pole but had been overtaken by Charles at the start. Then Max had him in the pits. He'd just showed no spark out there today.

She felt guilty. Was it because of her? She knew they needed to talk but she just didn't know what to say. She loved him, she knew that. She always would but that didn't mean she wasn't as mad as hell with him.

She headed to watch the podium ceremony. He looked so defeated. He could barely muster a smile and made next to no effort spraying the champagne.

He looked as miserable as she felt. They really had to talk as soon as possible. Tonight if at all possible.
She decided to call him once they were back at the hotel. The sooner they sorted this out the better.

Seb finally exited his driver's room. Nearly everyone had left the paddock. He'd stayed late deliberately. He'd turned his phone off so no-one could contact him.

He knew they meant well but the last thing he wanted right now was people telling him it was going to be alright. He'd really messed up the race today. He'd lost the championship lead to Charles. It was only by a point but even so. And Max was level with him. Lewis wasn't far behind either. If he didn't get his act together he could finish in fourth!

He just couldn't keep his mind on the track. All he could think about was Emily. He couldn't lose her and the baby. They were everything to him.

As he headed past the Brooke garage he heard his name being called. He turned and saw Scott beckoning him over.

"Hard luck today mate. Everything ok? You look down."

"Not really no Scott."

"That shit in the press? Ignore it, it will soon blow over. Everyone here knows Talia and her reputation. The ones that matter know the truth."

"Emily won't talk to me. She said she needs some space."

"That's shit mate. She'll calm down. She adores you. Look, do you fancy a beer? I've got a couple in here."

Seb nodded. He really could do with a drink right about now. He followed Scott inside the garage. Scott reached for the cans on the side and handed one to Seb.

Seb opened it and took a long swig. He sighed.

"How do I convince her Scott? I've said I'm sorry so many times."

"Got to see it from her side Seb. You got mad at her for doing something you were doing yourself. It was dumb."

"Yeah, I know that now."

"Want me to have a chat with her?"

"No. I need to speak to her myself."

"Well, if you change your mind, let me know."

There was a massive bang from Marcus's side of the garage.

"Christ, what was that? Who's there?" Scott called out. No answer.

"I'd better go check. Hang on, I'll be back in a flash."

Scott disappeared into the dark side of the garage. He turned the torch on his phone and shone it around. He couldn't see anything out of place. He shrugged, and was just about to head back to Seb when all of a sudden he felt something hit him on the back of his head. He fell to the floor and everything went black.


Seb wondered where Scott had got to. He'd said he'd be back in a flash but it had been a couple of minutes. He drank some more of the beer. A few more minutea passed. Seb got up and headed through to the other garage.

"Scott I think I'm going to head off, I need to speak to Emily." He saw a light on the floor. He stooped down and picked up Scott's phone.That was strange. He shone the torch around. He was shocked to see Scott lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. He ran straight to him.

"Scott, what the fuck man? What have you done?" Then he saw the bloodied wrench lying on the floor next to him.

All of a sudden the lights came on.

"Hello Sebastian," came an all too familiar voice. He turned around and saw the one person he had thought he had seen the back of.
"Surprise! We have some unfinished business."

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now