11. Going Back to the Start

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Seb got out of the taxi and handed the driver a couple of banknotes.

"Keep the change," he told him.  He grabbed his case out of the boot and headed through the front door of the hotel.

Entering the elevator, he pulled his key card out of his pocket.  It was approaching midnight. Earlier that day he had finished second in the Monaco Grand Prix.   He was absolutely exhausted but he'd promised Emily he would be back tonight and he wasn't letting her down.

He reached the door to their room and unlocked it. The first thing he noticed was that the main light was off. The room was illuminated only by the overbed reading lamp.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at Emily. She was laid on her side, facing towards the window. She was fast asleep. The stressed look he'd grown used to seeing since Joel's stabbing had gone. She almost looked like she was smiling.

He put his case in the corner of the room and quietly crept into the bathroom.  He brushed his teeth and changed out of his jeans and hoodie. Wearing only his boxers he went back into the bedroom and gently slid into the bed next to Emily. He switched the reading lamp off and laid his arm over her,pulling her back against him. He kissed her ear and she mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep.

"Love you Emily," he whispered before he too fell asleep.

Emily woke the following morning and found herself cuddled up to a shirtless and very sexy looking Seb. He was laid on his back and was still fast asleep. She smiled as she looked at him. He had kept his promise. She placed her palm on his week old stubble. She didn't know how she would have gotten through this without him.

"Good morning beautiful," he said, opening his eyes and smiling up at her.

"Good morning,you came back."

"I said I would. There's no place I'd rather be."

"I feel guilty. What about your children? Surely you would rather be with them."  Seb put his hand over hers on his cheek. He smiled again.

"I'm having them this weekend, but you have me until Friday.  How's Joel doing?"

"He's doing really well. They said he could be discharged by the end of the week."

"That's fantastic news sweetheart."  She beamed at him.

"I love you," she blurted out, before she could stop herself.   The smile drops off of his face and he stared at her intently.

"You do?" he asked, desperate for her to repeat her declaration.

"I do," she said. "I know it's too late but I just wanted you to know that."  She jumped out of bed, embarrassed by her words.

"Hey, where are you going? Come back. " 

She started rummaging through her suitcase. He suddenly appeared behind her, wrapping his hands around her waist.

"You can't just say that and walk away Emily. And it will never be too late. I love you. I will always love you. You are all I want."

He turned her around to face him. She wouldn't look him in the eye.

"Emily, look at me." She slowly raised her eyes to meet his. "Emily Victoria Ryan. I love you. That's just the way it is."

"I'm messed up Seb. I wasn't ready before. We became too serious too soon and when you left me I was broken.. Seeing Chris again  had just fucked with my head. I don't have feelings for him, not in the slightest,  but seeing him reminded me of Jacob and I couldn't handle it."

"I will never forgive myself for that night. I deliberately set out to hurt you because you'd hurt me. I was a dickhead. If you give me another chance I promise you won't regret it."

"I don't know Seb. I'm scared."

Seb then had an idea.

"Emily. I get you're scared. I understand but what we have is too special to throw away.  I have a proposition for you.  Emily, let's go back to the start. Date me. Let me win you back. Give me a chance. No sex. I will prove to you that I am not just after you in my bed. No sexual contact either. Kissing you, I can't do without that though. "

Emily pulled out of his arms and stood looking out of the window, thinking.   She had a choice to make. Date him or move on? She realised there was no choice.

"Yes, I'll date you," she said, softly.

Seb felt his heart skip a beat. She said yes. He was getting a chance to win her back.

"Come here," he asked her.

She walked into his arms, their mouths meeting.  He kissed her lovingly. Finally they broke apart.

"I will start planning our first date for after Baku. I hope you're ready to be swept off of your feet."

"I'll look forward to it."  He pressed another lingering kiss on her lips.

"Come on, let's get dressed. We'll get some breakfast and pop over to see Joel."


Joel was walking down the corridor when they arrived. He was pleased to see them.

"Well done on your second place mate," he told Seb. "Watched the highlights on Channel 4. Couldn't watch it live as they don't have Sky in here.  Another couple of laps and you would have had him."

"Can't win them all. You're looking lots better."

"Yeah, I feel it. Demi came to visit the other day."

"Have you asked her out yet?" Emily asked.

"I'm going to once I'm out of here."

"You'd better. I'm just going ton
grab a cuppa. You two want one?"  Seb asked for a tea, Joel a coffee.

After Emily had disappeared from sight Seb turned to Joel.

"Emily's agreed to give me a chance. We are not jumping straight back into a relationship, but she's agreed to date me."

"Mate, that's great news.  I am so happy for you both."

"Act surprised if she tells you. I had to tell you because I need your help."


"Here's what I need you to do."

Seb and Emily looked at each other as the elevator carried them upwards. It stopped and the door opened. They walked in silence down the corridor. Once in their room they pounced on each other, seeking each others lips.  Seb thrust his tongue into her mouth, squeezing her buttocks as he kissed her furiously.

Emily nibbled on his bottom lip,pushing her body up against his.  He pulled away, reluctantly.

"No," he said. "We have to stop. I meant what I said. We are going back to the start.  This is how we save what we have."  Emily pulled away, smiling. She was looking forward to finding out what he had planned for them.

Seb went into the bathroom, frustrated. He wanted nothing more than to strip her naked and fuck the hell out of her, but he was a man of his word. No matter how long this took he was going to prove to her that it wasn't about sex. He knew it was going to be difficult  and he was going to be so frustrated but damn, imagine the fuck they'd have when the time was right. He felt his dick start to swell.

"Here we go," he groaned in dismay. He hoped he won her back sooner rather than later.

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now