5. Life Goes On

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"She's doing  this deliberately," Seb complained to Antti. "She's flirting with McDevitt to wind me up."

"Well if she is, it's definitely working," Antti said, trying to hide his amusement. Seb sat down in a chair outside the motorhome. He slid his sunglasses on so Emily wouldn't know that he was watching her exchange with Scott McDevitt.

Emily knew that Seb was watching her. She could feel his eyes burning into her. She felt herself getting angry. She'd told him to stop watching her.  Perhaps she should give him something worth watching.  Scott noticed her scowl.

"What is it?" he asked.

"My ex, he keeps staring at us. It's really pissing me off now."

Scott grinned to himself. He was feeling mischievous.

"Shall we give him something to stare at? Fancy a cheeky snog?"

Emily snorted with laughter.

"I was thinking the same thing. Great minds think alike. Great idea, but no, not here. You know how the press jump on every little thing."

"OK, but the offer's there."

Emily smiled at Scott. She'd really enjoyed their dinner date in Bahrain. They had so much in common and got along so well.  Both had quickly decided though that they didn't wish to take things any further, at the moment anyway.  Emily was off of relationships after Seb and Scott was trying to get over a broken heart himself after splitting with his long term girlfriend six months previously. 

"Might just take you up on that if he doesn't pack it in."

"He still loves you," Scott stated.

"He never did."

Scott shook his head. He didn't believe that for a second. Anyone could see that Sebastian Vettel was hung up on Emily.

"Drinks after the race tomorrow?"

"I'm out with the team but you're welcome to join."

"I'm sure Vettel will love that."


Scott laughed. "Honey you are so  savage.  Anyway I've got to go before they send a search party out for me.  Catch you later."

Scott slipped back into the Brooke garage.  He looked around, the team were still at lunch. He looked at his bright yellow car and smiled.  It felt so good to be in Formula 1. Indy Car was great and he was proud of his achievements but Formula 1 was the pinnacle of motorsports. It's where the best were. Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Fernando Alonso, and now Max Verstappen. Fourteen World titles between them. It was an honour to share the grid with them.

"You're looking rather friendly with Vettel's strategist aren't you?"

Scott turned around and saw his Team Principal, Chris Armitage, looking at him from the corner of the garage.

"Emily's a nice girl, don't worry, I'm not giving away any secrets."

Chris Armitage was the worst thing about driving for Brooke. He didn't know what it was but something about the man repulsed him.

"Oh I know Emily very well. We used to fuck. Do yourself a favour. Stay away from her. I fully intend on having her in my bed again. You wouldn't want to make life difficult for yourself would you McDevitt?"   Chris glared at Scott, daring him to say something. 

"I think that's up to her, isn't it? I will do what the fuck I like. Maybe I should have a word with Franklin about how you're behaving towards one of his drivers?"

Scott wasn't going to be spoken to like that by this vermin of a man.
No way was he going to let this jerk anywhere near Emily.  He didn't trust him as far as he could throw him.

Chris looked at him and laughed.

"So be it, may the best man win. And I always win. Remember that"  He turned and exited the garage.


Seb walked through the nearly deserted paddock. He'd had a couple of interviews and almost everyone had already gone back to their respective hotels.  His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out and looked at it. He saw it was just a message from Britta telling him she'd headed back to the hotel with Antti and they'd see him in the morning.

He felt something rub up against his leg and heard a mewing sound. He looked down and saw the infamous Imola cat looking up at him.

"Hello Formulino," he said, crouching down and scratching the cat behind his ears.  "I believe I owe you an apology for when I called you fat. I'm sorry. Please, please could you give me a bit of good luck. Not just in the race but in my love life too."  He paused and laughed at himself.  If anyone heard him spilling his problems to a cat they'd have him sectioned. "What do I do puss? I love her so much but I pushed her away. And now she's moving on. I can't bear seeing her with McDecitt. She should be with me.  I wanted her for so long, then I got her, but I lost her after such a short time together. I don't know how to get over her. Oh why am I talking to a dumb animal?"

"You won't get any luck talking to him like that, " Joel said, making Seb jump.  "You hurt her Seb. She's been hurt so much. Chris, Jacob, now you."

"I never meant to hurt her Joel. I love more than anything. I was stupid. She scared me so much when she disappeared. I was so angry.  I regret everything. I've tried telling  her this but she's done with me."

"My sister is stubborn. I know her, she still loves you. She'll try to fight it but in the end she won't be able to. You just have to be patient and wait for her."

"I'm surprised you didn't give me another black eye," Seb said, seriously.   Joel looked at him and laughed.

"I like my job Seb, plus I think losing her is punishment enough."

"You heading back to the hotel now?"


"Want a lift?"

"Thanks but Harry's waiting for me. Seb, just give her time and space. I truly believe she'll come back to you."

"Thanks Joel."

"No worries man. Now you chill. You have a race to win tomorrow."

Formulino curled up in the shade by the garages. Humans were very strange creatures. Did they really think he handed luck out? If he did he certainly would t be giving any to that strange one in green. He remembered exactly what he'd said to him when he used to dress in red. Fat? He wasn't fat, he was cuddly. Let the guy make his own luck. He shut his eyes and went to sleep.

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