2. A Sign of Things to Come

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The rest of winter break had flown by and now here they were, back in Barcelona for a 5 day test.

Seb was in a bad mood. He was tired and everything that could go wrong was going wrong. He'd overslept after being unable to sleep most of the night.   Then because of that he'd been late arriving at the circuit, holding up the grid photoshoot which had earnt him a stern reprimand from Otmar.

He wasn't driving today, Lance had that honour.  Seb thought he'd rather be in the car than contend with the media crap and photoshoots.

He opened the door to hospitality and almost tripped over his own feet. For fuck's sake, he thought to himself. What else can go wrong today?

He soon had his answer. He ended up in the queue for drinks behind a very familiar face.  

Emily was stood in front of him talking to Demi. She hadn't spotted him yet. He found himself eavesdropping on their conversation.

"So, have you seen  Scott McDevitt?  He is one seriously hot man," Demi said.

"I thought you fancied Joel," Emily laughed.

"Well I do, but come on....McDevitt is sex on legs, don't you think?"

"Yeah, he is pretty hot," Emily conceded.

Seb gritted his teeth. Emily obviously wasn't pining for him.

"Francesca will be staking her claim," Emily added, making Demi laugh.

"She's nothing compared to you chick. You're gorgeous, especially with that hair!  You should have a try at him, " Demi exclaimed.  Emily snorted with laughter.

"No thanks. Think I've had enough of dating racing drivers. Look how the last one turned out."

It was at this point that Demi noticed Seb stood there. She put her hand over her mouth and looked at the floor.  Emily turned around to see Seb looking at her.

If she didn't know better she would have said that he looked hurt. But she did know better. He didn't give a damn about her. He'd only been using her. It's not as if any of it had been genuine.

Seb glared at her, then turned and stormed out. Without stopping to think, she chased after him.

"Sebastian, wait!"  she called out. He slowed his pace but kept on walking.  She caught up with him and for the first time since he had walked out on her he spoke to her.

"Didn't take you long to start eyeing up other guys, did it?" he said, bitterly.  Emily felt her anger rising. "Did I mean so little to you?"

"How dare you even ask me that? You are the one who walked out. You are the one who used me. Your words not mine.  I'd like to know though. Was it for the sex or to get at Charles? Was it worth it?"

"Emily, please lower your voice. I'd rather the whole paddock didn't hear."

"You arrogant son of a.."  Seb grabbed her arm and pulled her into the gap between the buildings.

"Did you really think I meant what I said? Emily, I was hurt. I wanted to hurt you. I have spent every hour of every day regretting what I said to you."

"Yeah?" she said, her voice softening and a smile creeping onto her face.

"Yes, Emily. I love you."  He leant in and was about to kiss her, when the smile faded from her face and she glared at him.

"Liar!" she spat, twisting out of his grip. "You know what. I wish I'd never trusted you. I thought you were different Seb. But you're just the same as all of the rest aren't you?"

The Strength Within (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now