8. In the Shadows

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The sun was going down in Barcelona. Friday was done, tomorrow it was qualifying. It had been a long day for the Aston Martin team.

Seb's crew had worked late after a problem had cropped up with his car. Emily hadn't really been needed but had hung around as had nothing better to do.

Seb had avoided her ever since the barbecue. She understood why. She had given him hope, then dashed it. She could blame her behavioir on  the  alcohol but she knew that wasn't true. She just missed him so much and had given into her desires in a moment of weakness.

When she'd woken up the morning after, Joel had taken great pleasure in informing her that the vampires had been to visit her overnight again. She'd raced to the bathroom and discovered the mark Seb had left on her. He'd branded her to show the world she was his.

It was still visible now a week later. She'd done her best to cover it with makeup but it had gradually rubbed off over the course of the day.

She was sat in hospitality waiting for Joel and Harry to finish up. She finished another cup of coffee, thinking to herself that she was going to be awake all night with the amount of caffeine she had drunk today.  Her phone buzzed on the table next to her, informing her that she had a text message. She smiled as she saw it was Scott. They hadn't had a chance to catch up yet.

Scott: Hey you, what are you doing sitting there all alone? Come out and say hello!

She glanced out of the window next to her and saw Scott waving at her. She grabbed her empty cup and dropped it into the recycling bin on her way out.

"Hey McDevitt, how's things?" she greeted him.

"Hey Emily, not bad, not bad. You?  Who's been taking a chunk out of your neck girl?"  She blushed, her hand moving instinctively to her neck. "Come on, spill the beans.  You been getting some action?"

"So, Joel threw a party, and there was lots of alcohol. And it just kind of happened. "

"Emily, tell me," he asked, laughing. "I'm nosey and not been getting any action. I need to live my life through others."

"It was Seb," she said, blushing more.   Scott beamed at her.

"Fantastic! Have you made up? Maybe he'll stop giving me evil looks now."

"Hey, don't jump to conclusions. We're not back together. It was a one night thing. We didn't even sleep together.  Just fooled around a bit."

"But it's a step towards it right?  Emily,  what's wrong?" he asked, as she wiped a tear from her eye.

"I'm so close to giving in Scott but I'm scared. I'm scared it's all going to go wrong again. Especially if he finds out what happened between you and me. I mean, he knows we kissed, as obviously we did that in front of him, but he doesn't know how close we came to having sex. He told me that he'd planned to have sex with that woman but couldn't go through with it. I should have told him then.  It would have been the perfect time. Now it just feels like some dirty little secret."

"You could still tell him."

"Sure, I'll just go up to him and say Seb I got naked with McDevitt and let him touch me intimately but don't get mad, it's you I want."

"Or don't tell him at all. He's not going to find out from me. Don't let what happened, or didn't happen, between us effect you and Seb. You love the guy?"

"More than anything. Scott, I mean no disrespect to you, but what happened between us was a mistake."  Scott laughed.

"Honey, I get it. I'm not offended," he reassured her.  "We get on so well, I'm just glad to have you as a friend."  He put his arm around her and squeezed tight. "You need to decide what you want with Seb. It's not fair on him sweetheart. He adores you, a fool can see that.  You need to make your mind up before it's too late."

"I have my reasons."

"I'm sure you do. Remember,  I'm here if you want to talk about anything."

"You don't know everything about why I am like I am. Maybe one day I'll tell you."

"Once again I'm here whenever you want to talk honey. I've got to go now, but I'm only a phonecall away.  You take care."  He dropped a kiss on her forehead and sauntered off down the paddock.

Emily sighed. Why couldn't she have feelings for Scott? He was so lovely. She felt like she could tell him anything. He had become such a dear friend to her in such a short space of time.

She heard  a noise from over by the McLaren motorhome next door. She whirled around and looked in the direction of the noise but she couldn't see anything. She shrugged and headed back inside. 


Outside, in the space between the  Aston Martin and McLaren motorhomes, Chris Armitage stood with a massive grin on his face. He had just overheard some very interesting information.

Emily and Scott. They'd been up to no good. Not sex but close to it. How would Seb feel about that?  He thought about the ways he could use this information. He could use it to blackmail Emily into his bed, but he'd rather have her there willingly, blackmail would be his last resort.  He could use it to keep McDevitt under control. The smug prick seemed to think he was in charge. He could use it to destroy Vettel. If their confrontation at Barcelona testing was anything to go by the man was crazy about Emily. 

He thought about Emily in his bed. He still wanted that more than anything.  He just hadn't had a chance to try and get her back yet.  Things had been so hectic and she'd made a point of avoiding him but he knew that soon he would make his move. She would be his again and no one would stand in his way. Not Vettel and not McDevitt. He always got what he wanted. No matter who he had to hurt in the process.

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