23. Going Public

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It was media day in Belgium. Seb and Emily had only arrived that morning after delaying their arrival to attend a doctor's appointment. Her pregnancy had been confirmed and they had been given the provisional due date of the 19th of April. They'd agreed that Emily would move in with him in Switzerland as soon as this triple header was over. Seb wanted to be with her all the time and he wanted to register her with the best obstetrician available. Anything he could do to make this pregnancy less stressful for her he'd do.

After the track walk he kissed her goodbye as he headed off to join Scott McDevitt in the press conference. He felt awkward as hell being around Scott. He didn't hold a grudge for what had happened with Scott and Emily but he still kept thinking about them together.

Scott was already sat waiting when Seb arrived. He apologised for being late, shook hands with McDeviit and sat down. Time to get back to normality.

Emily managed to make it through to FP2 on the Friday before Joe spotted her ring.

"Er buttercup, what the fuck is that on your finger?" " he said, grabbing her hand. "Is that what I think it is?" She nodded.


"Jesus Christ. When did this happen? Why haven't you said anything before now?"

Emily laughed at him.

"Well, he actually proposed twice if you want to know everything. The first time was at Silverstone."

"Sweetheart, I'd propose to anyone that made me groan like you made him that day." Emily turned red. "Sorry, not forgetting that. Ever. Anyway, how about the second time?"

"On my birthday in Switzerland."

"Congratulations both of you. I'm really happy for you. So who knows, who doesn't? Is it a secret? If it is that rock kind of gives it away."

"Well, Joel, Kara, Harry, Demi, Britta and Antti know. Seb's family too. I'm not sure if he's told anyone here. It's no secret, but we just haven't spoken about if we're announcing it or anything."

"Oh Ems, I really am made up for you."

"Thanks Joe."


"I want to tell everybody," Seb said, hugging Emily after he'd gotten out of the car after qualifying on pole. "I mean that were engaged. Not about the baby. I want that to be our secret for a while longer."

"I'm surprised Joe has kept his mouth shut for this long," Emily replied.

"So is it OK with you if we tell the team? Once they know it will spread quickly."

"Seb. It's fine, I'm proud to be your fiancee." He grinned at her and pulled her towards hospitality.

"I'm glad you said that as I've already called a meeting."

Entering the dining area she noticed most of the team were already crowded in there.

Seb stood up on a chair and faced everyone.

"Thanks for coming guys. Well I suppose you're all wondering why I've called you here. Don't worry, I'm not retiring or moving teams. This is a personal matter."

"As long as it doesn't involve listening to your animal noises," Niall joked, causing everyone to laugh.

"You're just jealous," Seb bantered back. "Anyway, some of you already know what this is about. I wanted to tell you all before it gets round the paddock. I've asked Emily to marry me and she said yes." Everyone gasped in surprise. Then someone started applauding, and everyone joined in. Everyone swarmed around Seb and Emily, offering their congratulations.

Eventually everyone moved off to go about their business. Seb grabbed Emily's hand and they started walking down the paddock.

It was outside Mercedes motorhome that they came across Ted Kravitz filming the week's episode of his qualifying n

"Oh look there's Sebastian Vettel and his lovely strategist Emily," he said into the microphone. "Well done on pole Sebastian."

"Thanks Ted," Seb said coming to a halt. "You need to get Emily's title right though."

"Oh I'm very sorry," Ted joked. "Maybe you can correct me."

Seb looked at the camera.

"Emily Ryan, my strategist, fiancee and future Mrs Vettel." Ted was speechless. He had not expected that.

"Congratulations both of you," he finally managed to spit out. Seb sniggered under his breath as he and Emily made their way to the car park.

"Well I guess we are well and truly public now," she said.

"I guess so," Seb agreed.


It didn't take long for Seb's phone to be bombarded with messages of congratulations.

Charles: congrats mate, really pleased for you both

Lewis: You dark horse! Well done mate, when's the wedding?

Checo: Feliz Navidad from Carola and I. Couldn't be happier for you. You've got yourself a good one there

Kimi: I retire and you go and get all chatty with the press. Who are you and what have you done with Sebastian Vettel. Seriously though, congratulations. You and Emily will have to come for drinks one night.

Daniel: way to go dude. You have to let me arrange your stag night

Seb grinned as he texted their thanks back to everyone. Emily's phone beeped.

She took it out and looked at it.

Scott: Emily, I am so happy for you and Seb. I wish you all the happiness in the world. You deserve it. I would text hom but i don't think he likes me very much lol

Emily showed Seb the message. He grinned.

"I don't dislike him, it's just kinda awkward. He's a decent guy though. Tell him thanks from me.
Emily sent a brief text back then curled up with Seb. Soon she'd fallen asleep in his arms.

Chris Armitage was fuming. His plan had failed. Instead of tearing them apart, he'd only succeeded in pushing them closer together. They were engaged! Chris was used to getting what he wanted and he didn't like this feeling. He had to have her. It didn't matter to him if she was engaged or not. He couldn't care less about Sebastian Vettel. Fuck him. He wasn't going to stand in his way. Emily would soon give in to him if only he could get her on her own. Trouble was she was always glued to Vettel's side. He would be keeping a close eye on her. If he got the chance, he was going to take it.

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